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If it does happen, HOW exactly will it happen?


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The 2012 thing is a mis-interpretation.


The Maya only said that there god of creation (also the god of destruction and fire) would walk and rebuild the earth on a date that equates to December 21 2012.


That's the short version, anyway.


How the world will end is a religious topic though, so I will not give my opinion.


Or it could be considered that it will be the last day that their last offspring will die and their civilization will completely cease with no chance of reoccurring ever again. The rest of us will go about our lunatic expectation for the day and find sanity the day after for a brief moment. Then we will go back to crafting up new things to consider for scaring us back into walking the line between mental oblivion and mental divinity.


Oh! God! Save us from...Let me think here for a moment...Maybe I better wait until December 22, 2012 to think about it, because, who knows, I might have to go back to work grazing unknown territory looking for some source of food which I have not ever seen or tasted before and if I don't poison myself while doing that it will be a good day.


That is, if I don't get eaten first?

Have a Good Day, Afternoon, or Evening!

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Well; I´m some times sloppy with my calendre, I´ll probably forget the day :happy:


:whistling: If a disaster actually happens on or near that day as bad as the movie 2012 makes it out, I probably wont be around to remember that day after it's over.:wacko:


So! :cool: I think I will have a nap and think about something else for a change. :wub:

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it's obvious how we all die out.. it's staring at you and you don't even realize it... mesmerized by the question of what could happen..everyone flocks to forums and glue their eyes to the computer screen in hope for an answer!.. in hope for a present escape of an unescapable fate! and while waiting..everyone fails to realize the world has stopped without anyone to preserve it..with everyone on the internet waiting for the ultimate bypass of destruction..they indeed ironically..cause their own extinction..Blame karma..blame the clouds...blame Al Gore....but in the end..when everyone has starved themselves in front of their computer..waiting for their internet to come back on...the only person to blame will be yourself.
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it's obvious how we all die out.. it's staring at you and you don't even realize it... mesmerized by the question of what could happen..everyone flocks to forums and glue their eyes to the computer screen in hope for an answer!.. in hope for a present escape of an unescapable fate! and while waiting..everyone fails to realize the world has stopped without anyone to preserve it..with everyone on the internet waiting for the ultimate bypass of destruction..they indeed ironically..cause their own extinction..Blame karma..blame the clouds...blame Al Gore....but in the end..when everyone has starved themselves in front of their computer..waiting for their internet to come back on...the only person to blame will be yourself.


Another person heating up the Earth's Atmosphere, raising the temperature just a little more before we get reacquainted with the ice cooler sensation so the weather seems comfortably warm. Gradually raising the temperature until it reaches a boil is the best way to cook a lobster, use white wine instead of water, and they will pass away peacefully and quietly.


So! I am wondering? Who has convinced us Earthling's to give our own home planet the climate rise, over and over? IT's "Z" isn't it?! We already have been taken in by Rod Serlings, "To Serve Man", and "V" to harvest us all, and that only could leave us with, "Z". We are so, snoring away our lives, get it! Zzzzzz. I will wake up when the ground trembles and the airplanes flying overhead stop and run to the balloon and go, "Up, UP, and aWAY in my beautiful, my beautiful...BALLOOOOOOOOOON!"

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it's obvious how we all die out.. it's staring at you and you don't even realize it... mesmerized by the question of what could happen..everyone flocks to forums and glue their eyes to the computer screen in hope for an answer!.. in hope for a present escape of an unescapable fate! and while waiting..everyone fails to realize the world has stopped without anyone to preserve it..with everyone on the internet waiting for the ultimate bypass of destruction..they indeed ironically..cause their own extinction..Blame karma..blame the clouds...blame Al Gore....but in the end..when everyone has starved themselves in front of their computer..waiting for their internet to come back on...the only person to blame will be yourself.


Ha! We have to look at the past before we can predict the future, even in this situation. Remember Y2K? Remember the bug that would destroy all computers, and launch all nukes? Had quite a few people just sitting at their comps, kissing the forums goodbye, and doing things that would ban you in those forums. Since computers were going to fail anyways, no need to follow the rules! I remember a friend of mine made a joke 20mins before 2000... He told me he needed to get to his computer, and print out all of his porn before it was too late!


We know what happened there, nothing happened at all! That, or I'm in hell and don't know it...


Cheers to you Roe, and I hope your military training serves you well when the end comes! :laugh:

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Kids... :rolleyes:


All of you Ivory Tower types can look down on ex-military and savage peckerwoods like me but IF things get bad WE will be the ones packing the gear and getting it done for ourselves and the people we love. And when you city-slicker-dudes come drag-assing up and want a handout you'll be bleeding out on the ground before the sound of our rifle reports reach you. That is, if you can make it out of the cities alive.


Before I get bashed for posting this, do any of you know how to hunt, boil water without a metal cooking pot, grow crops, sew, work leather, blacksmith or do anything else that doesn't require a power grid? Well I can do all of that. Do you know what native plants in your area are edible and which ones are toxic? Are you physically fit enough to walk behind a team of mules with a plow for 10 hours? Can you eat beans and rice every day with no seasonings, reguardless the taste? Do any of you have medication and survival food stockpiled to get you through at least two weeks? Do you know unarmed combat? Do any of you have a viable evacuation route that doesn't depend on highways? Do you even know the names of your neighbors?


Giggle and point all you want. And when you drop dead it will be a guy like me looting your corpse. And if I'm hungry enough I'll eat your ass.


I can out shoot and out ride most men I know. I have the fastest horse, the prettiest girl and the ugliest dog this side of Hell and I am in it to win it. Who amongst you can say the same?


EDIT: And I'm teaching myself to knap flint. How many of you know what that is without Googling it?

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Kids... :rolleyes:


All of you Ivory Tower types can look down on ex-military and savage peckerwoods like me but IF things get bad WE will be the ones packing the gear and getting it done for ourselves and the people we love. And when you city-slicker-dudes come drag-assing up and want a handout you'll be bleeding out on the ground before the sound of our rifle reports reach you. That is, if you can make it out of the cities alive.


Before I get bashed for posting this, do any of you know how to hunt, boil water without a metal cooking pot, grow crops, sew, work leather, blacksmith or do anything else that doesn't require a power grid? Well I can do all of that. Do you know what native plants in your area are edible and which ones are toxic? Are you physically fit enough to walk behind a team of mules with a plow for 10 hours? Can you eat beans and rice every day with no seasonings, reguardless the taste? Do any of you have medication and survival food stockpiled to get you through at least two weeks? Do you know unarmed combat? Do any of you have a viable evacuation route that doesn't depend on highways? Do you even know the names of your neighbors?


Giggle and point all you want. And when you drop dead it will be a guy like me looting your corpse. And if I'm hungry enough I'll eat your ass.


I can out shoot and out ride most men I know. I have the fastest horse, the prettiest girl and the ugliest dog this side of Hell and I am in it to win it. Who amongst you can say the same?


EDIT: And I'm teaching myself to knap flint. How many of you know what that is without Googling it?

Methinks ye be playin' too much fallout 3, man. :teehee:

Nice set of skills though. :thumbsup:

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