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If it does happen, HOW exactly will it happen?


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Kids... :rolleyes:


All of you Ivory Tower types can look down on ex-military and savage peckerwoods like me but IF things get bad WE will be the ones packing the gear and getting it done for ourselves and the people we love. And when you city-slicker-dudes come drag-assing up and want a handout you'll be bleeding out on the ground before the sound of our rifle reports reach you. That is, if you can make it out of the cities alive.


Before I get bashed for posting this, do any of you know how to hunt, boil water without a metal cooking pot, grow crops, sew, work leather, blacksmith or do anything else that doesn't require a power grid? Well I can do all of that. Do you know what native plants in your area are edible and which ones are toxic? Are you physically fit enough to walk behind a team of mules with a plow for 10 hours? Can you eat beans and rice every day with no seasonings, reguardless the taste? Do any of you have medication and survival food stockpiled to get you through at least two weeks? Do you know unarmed combat? Do any of you have a viable evacuation route that doesn't depend on highways? Do you even know the names of your neighbors?


Giggle and point all you want. And when you drop dead it will be a guy like me looting your corpse. And if I'm hungry enough I'll eat your ass.


I can out shoot and out ride most men I know. I have the fastest horse, the prettiest girl and the ugliest dog this side of Hell and I am in it to win it. Who amongst you can say the same?


EDIT: And I'm teaching myself to knap flint. How many of you know what that is without Googling it?


ROTFL....just add fletching and you'll be set. Plan on heading deep north myself with a 30-40 Kraig and a crossbow, have a cabin in the Laurentians. See you at the survivors reunion.

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ROTFL....just add fletching and you'll be set. Plan on heading deep north myself with a 30-40 Kraig and a crossbow, have a cabin in the Laurentians. See you at the survivors reunion.


I live too far south to have a 'safe' place to retreat to. My neighbors and I have already discussed what we will do if a 1930's style depression hits and we're fairly ready. We'll just have to make a stand and go down swinging. We are Texans, after all. We've been bartering for years anyway, trading labor for home-canned preserves and so on so that won't be a big leap for us. My family has enough land to grow flint or dent corn for maybe six teams of mules. Fire wood will be a problem so we'll probably have to refine hog manure for the methane. I'm an old oil field hand so that's not a stretch for me. We have the river so we can irrigate or run a water wheel to grind corn or have power until the tech crap wears out. I've tinkered with Tesla Coils and they can be made from scrap, empty beer bottles and the solar panel off of a traffic sign from the interstate. My sister taught herself to make tallow candles from the feral hogs we shoot (feral hog = 400lb rat). I already know how to make caustic lye from wood ash so I guess soap will be her next project.

All of this might sound really dumb to kids today but it's how their great-grandparents lived and their decendants are around today to laugh about it so the stuff must have worked. A crisis to American kids today is their dealer not returning a phone call or the internet being down. And it will be old farts like us that keep things together IF we get the 'big one'.

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I have the fastest horse, the prettiest girl and the ugliest dog this side of Hell and I am in it to win it. Who amongst you can say the same?

I can see the advantage of the fastest horse, the value of the prettiest woman but the ugliest dog? I guess it just another case of 'Don't mess with Texas" Up north we would have gone with the smartest dog. LOL


Edit: Have a fast sloop, a beautiful wife who is a crack shot and two smart hunting dogs.

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Methinks ye be playin' too much fallout 3, man. :teehee:

Nice set of skills though. :thumbsup:


I second that opinion, "Playin' real life Fallout in a refurbished missile silo site might be right up your green behinds avatar's alley."

Yeah, nice skills for a future farmer of on some distant planet. If you know what I mean?

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Kids... :rolleyes:


All of you Ivory Tower types can look down on ex-military and savage peckerwoods like me but IF things get bad WE will be the ones packing the gear and getting it done for ourselves and the people we love. And when you city-slicker-dudes come drag-assing up and want a handout you'll be bleeding out on the ground before the sound of our rifle reports reach you. That is, if you can make it out of the cities alive.


Before I get bashed for posting this, do any of you know how to hunt, boil water without a metal cooking pot, grow crops, sew, work leather, blacksmith or do anything else that doesn't require a power grid? Well I can do all of that. Do you know what native plants in your area are edible and which ones are toxic? Are you physically fit enough to walk behind a team of mules with a plow for 10 hours? Can you eat beans and rice every day with no seasonings, reguardless the taste? Do any of you have medication and survival food stockpiled to get you through at least two weeks? Do you know unarmed combat? Do any of you have a viable evacuation route that doesn't depend on highways? Do you even know the names of your neighbors?


Giggle and point all you want. And when you drop dead it will be a guy like me looting your corpse. And if I'm hungry enough I'll eat your ass.


I can out shoot and out ride most men I know. I have the fastest horse, the prettiest girl and the ugliest dog this side of Hell and I am in it to win it. Who amongst you can say the same?


EDIT: And I'm teaching myself to knap flint. How many of you know what that is without Googling it?


I'm not pulling jokes on people, I'm actually as prepared as the rest of them. I was just playing with Roe's take on how the geeks on messageboards will go first. I thought he was taking a jab at everyone who was talking on this subject!


My family farms, and most of my family is militarily trained. I, and the rest of my family (who are not farmers) are Medically trained. We have hidden stockpiles of food in our 4 acre property. We're prepared, and are as worried as any. We have some weapons, and I'm actually a non-professional archer as a hobby. Got my first bow when I was 8 years of age, and still have it! I'd rather use the gun though personally.


Neighbors hate the hell out of us though, so I suppose we're doomed. They are quite unprepared for something like this, but they have guns like us, so I reckon we'll last a day after everything falls to hell? Smells like the Hatfields vs the MCcoys, and since were in the south, the stereotype makes me hide my head in shame. BTW Kendo, when the end comes, stay away from my cats lol! Eat my useless dogs instead, do it for a friend?

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Sure I know what you mean. I have the skills and background to make it in modern society. I'm self-employed with a successful oil field compressor business, but I also have the skills and mind-set to rough it. There is NO WAY I want to live the dog's life of a dirt farmer. I like AC and a modern life style. But I have what it takes and the networking to go without it IF I have to.


Nothing wrong with taking Red Cross First Aid classes, having a planned evacuation route, or having enough food and medicine stocked away in case of an emergency. ;)


Edit: Have a fast sloop, a beautiful wife who is a crack shot and two smart hunting dogs.


That there is what's known in the trade as bragg'n rights. :thumbsup:

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