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Fallout new vegas


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With the Gamebryo engine, eliminating the neck seam is impossible.


Not impossible, not likely, but definatly possible. Any Engine can be tweaked to work the way you want, though re-working the lighting system is pretty much not going to happen.


I wonder if an alpha could be used to make a smooth blend between the two.. :huh:

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Perhaps I can put my finger on it: Oblivion is a carved-in-stone society, very ordered, very structured, very boring. Fallout 3 freedom, at least until you must affiliate yourself with the BOS (the feel is going downhill from then on). The raiders may have the same function as the bandits and marauders but still each place i meet them they don't seem to me as yet another bunch of those guys. Somehow the settings they are put in, breathes some individuality into them, at least most of the time. In Oblivion all in all everybody is getting along. In Fallout there is friction, right from the start, beginning with the Overseer. In Oblivion the mainquest is forced upon you by fate.In Fallout, i can convince myself, it is very close to my heart, because of Dad. There is an emotional attachment behind doing the mainquest. I could go on, but i am a bit tired at the hour :)


If Bethesda hasn't coceptualized Vegas as the starting point for a later Fallout 4 installment, i believe very much in compatabilty with Fallout 3. Anything else would mean that with Vegas they create a dead-end spin-off. Beeing to different from Fallout 3, it would put Fallout 3 to it's and i doubt they want to do that either. They will want to be open to all sides and that means having Fallout 3 (and actually Oblivion) as a common basis. They will want Fallout 4 to be easily made. And the best way of assuring that right now is to stick to whats given.



Even if it's Fallout 3 in a new setting, I'd be somewhat satisfied with it. Of course, for it to be really worth buying, it'd have to bring more than a few improvements. It would need to have... whatever it is that Fallout 3 has that makes me prefer it over Oblivion. I can't quite put my finger on it considering how similar the games are.

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Can we at least have this?


This is Heretic2. A game from 1998 (twelve years ago) When your character turns, he first moves his waist. Then he starts to move his legs to turn when he can no longer turn his waist. I'd like to see characters in the game move at least like this. (1998 anyone? We are in year 2010)


I don't want to see characters moving like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en5yQww2XpY

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Can we at least have this?


This is Heretic2. A game from 1998 (twelve years ago) When your character turns, he first moves his waist. Then he starts to move his legs to turn when he can no longer turn his waist. I'd like to see characters in the game move at least like this. (1998 anyone? We are in year 2010)


I don't want to see characters moving like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en5yQww2XpY


If the characters moved like that I wouldn't buy the game...


if you take away my ability to run left, right, and at angles then I can't possibly play the game, I would much rather see the wrong animations than to have to deal with only running foward and haveing to turn before I can move left...


a lot of games have better movemen then Fallout, but Heritic 2 is FAR from one of them, it is just way to clunky...





but anyways, it is all a matter of aveing the bone constraint to control the bones to follow the target. in animation you ALWAYS animate from the center our, so the chest would be weighted to move more and then limbs would catch up.


i havn't worked with the gamybro engine particularly, but here is an example with Unity



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Can we at least have this?


This is Heretic2. A game from 1998 (twelve years ago) When your character turns, he first moves his waist. Then he starts to move his legs to turn when he can no longer turn his waist. I'd like to see characters in the game move at least like this. (1998 anyone? We are in year 2010)


I don't want to see characters moving like this. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=en5yQww2XpY


If the characters moved like that I wouldn't buy the game...


if you take away my ability to run left, right, and at angles then I can't possibly play the game, I would much rather see the wrong animations than to have to deal with only running foward and haveing to turn before I can move left...


a lot of games have better movemen then Fallout, but Heritic 2 is FAR from one of them, it is just way to clunky...





but anyways, it is all a matter of aveing the bone constraint to control the bones to follow the target. in animation you ALWAYS animate from the center our, so the chest would be weighted to move more and then limbs would catch up.


i havn't worked with the gamybro engine particularly, but here is an example with Unity




It's a game that was released 12 years ago. I was talking about the animation mechanics. Not the way game plays.

Also you can strafe in Heretic2.. anyway I'm not talking about the character you control in particular. I'm talking about all the character in the game as even when playing in First person mode (which is the normal way to play Fallout3), I can still see them move strangely. Even more detailed.


I'd also like to have this. In Heretic2, he can put one of his feet on a higher ground. In Fallout3, your character's foot floats in the air.

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Havn't been able to find any video of Heretic2 with any NPCs in it... though just judgeing from my past expereince I would imagine that what looks clunky in 3rd person would work even worse when applied to NPCs.


I'm not saying that Fallout 3's animations are good, but I deffinatly don't want to see them go in that direction. In my opinion that would be a large step backward, but I personally would much perfer a bit of ice skateing than haveing a game feel clunky.

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Yeah i want to talk to raiders, i want the to have brain, i want them to attack me at times but at some places not.

I want them to be unpredictable, someone you need be careful about when spotting them, instead of knowning

that sure will attack you. Not knowing what to expect would make them even more dangerous (so in effect

there would be diverse raider NPC ID's applied to the same graphics).


It would also be interesting to have a game without the exact same factions being the good/bad guys.


You know. Just a thought.


I mean, BoS = unarguably good guys in all 3 fallouts. Mutants bad in all 3, Enclave bad guys in 2/3. 2 actually had a friendly ghoul town, okay sure. But less cookie cutter factions would be better, something that they regressed in with fallout 3. Hope they don't continue that trend.

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Yeah, and it would be very cheap getting actors with talent but now carrier.


Another problem I hope they solve in New Vegas, I really really really REALLY hope they get more voice actors for the voice acting instead of having the same person doing voices over and over again. :glare:

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I would really like to see an update of the GECK with the release of VEGAS. Fixing the Dialogue and Quest CTD issues would be great. Lipsinc support would be fantastic! I have to admit, as much as I enjoy playing the game. I enjoy tinkering with it just as much.
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