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Fallout new vegas


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MadMattDog: i don't disagree with you that why i say expierence should affect things like how much recoil and how steady you can hold the weapon. for instance, real life, i'v been on a shooting range twice now as apposed to my brother whose been in the amry and has shot a gun countless times. well on the range with the same weapons at the same distance our groupings are about the same and the same distance from the bulls eye it doesn't take alot of expierence to shot streight. now where my brother exprience comes in is multiple shots with an assualt rifle or firing round after round with a semi-automatic pistol/rifle or running and shooting. my brothers expiernce allows him to manage the recoil better than i could and allows him to hol the weapon steadier in more varied situations. all i'd like to see is the bullet fly streight from the barrel. expierence should absolutly effect everything else. Pelinor (a mooder) had a really good mod up that did a great job simulating what i'm talking about but he seems to have left and hasn't updated it in a while. i can't get to it anymore i think he pulled it but i still have it. it's called Shooter.
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Another problem I hope they solve in New Vegas, I really really really REALLY hope they get more voice actors for the voice acting instead of having the same person doing voices over and over again. :glare:


Mel Blanc voiced most of the Looney Toons characters by himself. ;)


I myself can do around 30 voices that are unique and sound completely different from each other and can improvise to sound like almost anyone

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From the newest screenies and news does anyone feel cheated at all? It looks like an expanded expansion something like all the DLCS combined into one...Some new weapons/features/creatures but nothing actually "new" or that hasn't already been added into normal fallout through a mod...Sure theres a new world space and some new quests and but that's where i get a all DLC's combined feel cause that's all that's really worth...And whats with the waste of time with special vats attacks? Supposedly they fixed the karma system but I'm still skeptical as all it really is is fancy scripting and unless the "new weapon addons" are dynamic (meaning you can add them in real-time, you actually see the player screw on a suppressor not have to add it at a work bench or in your inventory or unequip/reequip like scripts) then I really see nothing new. The companion wheel from the looks is basically Talkie-Toasters companion mod brought to FO3 with its own UI that's about it, there's no "new" companion control. In my opinion there's nothing new being brought to the table here at all ,sure it might be new to the consolers but us PCers are getting nothing. I think they should pay attention to the PCers needs more since they go through all the trouble of releasing an SDK for us and all the trouble of making the game expandable and compatible with user/community made mods. Who knows if they actually addressed or are going to address any of the actual engine/mechanic problems that our mods cant fix which i really think they should put most of their resources into first rather then adding in these not so "new" things. And i also think they should not release it Q4 this year but take the extra time to work on it for a Q1 release of next year and do it right this time or at least bring a couple new things to the table. That's my rant TY for reading i feel better now :whistling:
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would be awesome if they made the energy weapons look half decent i mean the laser/plasma pistol/rifles look soo bad as if the devs went out on a weekend binge on drugs and alcohol and on the final day of finalising just smacked a few idea's together :(


Something that looks powerful and just sexy as hell not something that was designed by 3 blind hedgehogs out for the night on a cocain endueced road crossing tournement

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I hope they add some desert scenes where the ground has opened up, because of our bomb tests, into caverns where we end up battling for survival with victims of the testing of A-bombs. Healthy white skinned, blind, Cannibals! Where within while exploring peacefully we make discoveries which have surprising links to our own known ancient history.


Fiction which make the discoveries of artifacts may add some mystery which seem to give possible answers to the ancient quizzes of our non-fiction realm of wisdom. Almost as if to solve mysteries for us in our own minds from the mysteries of our non-fiction ancient text which holds wonder for us even today.

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That exactly how i remember it :woot:


would be awesome if they made the energy weapons look half decent i mean the laser/plasma pistol/rifles look soo bad as if the devs went out on a weekend binge on drugs and alcohol and on the final day of finalising just smacked a few idea's together :(


Something that looks powerful and just sexy as hell not something that was designed by 3 blind hedgehogs out for the night on a cocain endueced road crossing tournement

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