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Fallout new vegas


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sorry to ask i just got the game today and its the steam version :( does the geck work with new vegas ? or is their different software thanks inadvance


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bben46, Moderator

get the NV geck - same bethesda download page as FO3 geck - different download

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  • 2 months later...

honestly i liked fallout 3 more then new vegas....new vegas is too simple and short....i like te graphics and the

weapons....there are a lot of good atributes to this game but the story....nah id liked better that the 3 part

continued not to be placed before the 3 part. And if they make a 4 part for what i hope they will id like to see a better

story.... :thumbsup: :biggrin:

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  • 7 months later...

FNW likes me much more that F3. STORY just awsome - Chris now what he doing, always -, characters, quests, dialogues, lot of nonlinearity,great humor, world details, new style, action part and many little innovation/fixes made this IP way cool then previous game. I don't now what to add... Yes, New Vegas isn't perferct, but it is truly good Fallout for all old-fans who know this series from the beginning. Thank you Obsidian. Please, "Stand by"© with us) Hope Bethesda will continue work with them on Fallout 4.


But guys,don't get me wrong: Fallout 3 is steel good, well done game no matter what. Peace.

Edited by Dowell
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  • 3 weeks later...
FO3 is way better than new vegas ever will be..new vegas had a lousy game world, not enough nooks and crannies, it really didn't have the post apocalyptic feel, no good battlezones, you did't get the feeling you were in a post apocalyptic world at all, it was more a cowboy/gangster type feeling. the story was ok but nothing that spectacular, lots of games have way better stories than new vegas, like deus ex or mass effect. mostly it was just an empty gameworld with some shacks scattedered around and all the enemies you fight live in tents, its not all that fun to battle it out in an empty desert with no good hiding places or areas to sneak around and stalk enemies...the gameworld itself is a joke, so regardless of how good the story is or not is, it really doesn't matter. the gameworld itself was just too boring and dull, the enemies were mostly creatures and thats boring. human type enemies are always better to fight. FO3 had tons of human type enemies and you battled it out in cool areas like la enfant plaza, dupont circle, chevy chase, the capitol building etc etc....new vegas won't ever hold a candle to FO3. FO3 will always be remembered for how cool it was to explore. fighting supermutants and the enclave was epic. Edited by arcanewizard
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  • 4 months later...
I hope that Bethesda gets over taken by a bunch of Egyptian Scarabs and dragged down in to the Sands of the Sahara so Interplay can get back on the Fallout 4 program they had going before Bethesda legal jerks got their fingers banged when they were found trying to get into Interplays cookie jar and sued to keep Interplay from getting any cookies from the jar that they built with Fallout, Fallout 2 and BoS, meant for Interplay, either.
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  • 1 month later...

As long as the next Fallout's "mood" is closer to Fallout 3 than New Vegas I'll like it no matter where the setting is. Exploring The Capital Wasteland is *so* much more interesting than the Mojave.


All I like about New Vegas is the Hardcore Mode, Armor System, and Faction System.

**Hated** NV's crappy invisible walls everywhere. That's just lazy devs and breaks the immersiveness.



I'm re-playing Fallout 3 now with the "Wanderer's Edition" mod which adds "Hardcore Mode" and Armor Weight system to Fallout 3 (also using Mart's Mutant Mod and Fellout) and I have to say that it's waaaay better than New Vegas :woot:


I first played FO series w/ FO3 in 2010, and now two years later, it's the only game I'm *still* playing. I gave New Vegas, Deus Ex Human Revolution, Borderlands, L4D series, Battlefield a shot. They just didn't hold my interest. I'm glad I didn't buy those (they were gifts). I bought FO3 and DLCs. I think that's the only series I'll give $$ for, unless the next one is like NV or its BORING DLCs (Old World Blues... more like Boring Level Blues), then I most likely won't buy it. :armscrossed:


FO3's story just "does it" for me :tongue:

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