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Cinematic deaths


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I got sick and tired and just being knocked over when I get killed in oblivion. Shouldn't your PC's death be more epic?


What this will do:

You're health will never go past anytime you suffer a hit that will bring your health down past 0, will ragdoll like usual however you're health will remain at 1, and combat will stop. Your PC will then get up in a very stunned fashion to their feet and depending on the weapon used will have a " set up for execution animation". This will initiate a script much like that from deadly reflex. An enemy NPC that dealt the last blow will walk over and brutally execute you: in one of 3 ways depending on the weapon.



Bow: Your PC will be on his or her knees, the NpC will walk over and and aim at you. after a few second he will fire and put the arrow through your neck, at which point your PC will gargle up blood (sound effect and blood shader) and fall over twitching.



Blunt: your character will fall to their knee's and grasped their right of left arm(this is random). The point is that the blunt weapon has broken bones in the PC and they cannot go on. THe offending NpC will run over and do two of the one of the following:


one hand: your PC will be cracked across that face and a sound of choking and sniffling and screaming fill follow. the animation will be of frantic pain before a second blow over the head which will cause the PC head to explode and go limp with twitching feet for about two seconds.


Two Hand: Your PC will be kicked in the face and grunt. and fall on their back. THe NPC will overhead smash them in the gut and a sound of the wind getting knocked out of them will play, they will then try to crawl away and the NPC will walk slowly near you and then do the same swing to break the spine causing a gut retching scream and will spasm and whimper, and then have a death rattle.



With short Swords and daggers your character will get up to one knee the npc will run behind them grab their hair pulling the head back and jam the the weapon down int them you will fall over try to sit up gargling blood and reaching out before a death rattle.


Long Blades: similar to the short blade but hte NPC will lift you up by the head and stab the sword through the back and you just fall flat your your face, and spasm a little on the ground.





MAGIC: If your PC is hit with a fire spell that does damage on impact or kills them with damage over time, your character will become set aflame and start trying to put themselves out by swatting at the flames. They will then fall the the ground and roll around screaming, Your PC will be replaces with charred remains.


Unarmed: your neck will get broken.


MONSTERS: I am currently working with vanilla monsters to have unique kills as well. Wolves and other real world animals will tear your throat out and eat your for about a minute after your death.


Trolls will donkey kong beat your to death then place with your ragdoll for a bit before being disinterested


minotaur lords will kill you in the same manner as blunt with they carry a weapon.


minotuars will charge the PC and impale them with their horn and fling your corpse.


Vampire NPC will bite your neck and feed for a good ten seconds as you struggle in vain.


ogres will either rips your arms off or grab you by the legs and slam you around alla bambam from the flintstones.


daedroth will pick you up by the hips and bite you in half.


clanfear will eat your entrails.


spiper daedra will wrap you in a cacoon.

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I don't know about "getting back up and assuming the position" (not intended to be a sex joke, oddly enough) but I like where this idea is going! I think it would simply make more sense for the player to sink to their knees from standing/crouching, rather than getting back up from the floor to be executed. If they were already on the ground, wouldn't it make more sense for the killer to finish the job while the player is still down? That said, I fully support this idea. (although it would most certainly require a lot of work, and probably skycaptain's permission if any of his work is used...)
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  • 2 weeks later...
I' agreeing this would be amazing but it's a damn lot of work to do the animation and make it into a cinematic for each type of weapon/magic effect :) but it could probably be done.
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  • 5 months later...
This sounds like a very good idea that would add a little more atmosphere and death wouldn't feel so trivial. Aynway, I have another suggestion that is easier to make. When the character dies a pool of blood starts growing under him/her, which would look more effectful than a rubber doll just falling to the floor.
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