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Lotr immersive armor


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I was wondering if anybody wanted to make a couple of armor and weapon from the hobbit movie i thinking in something like


thranduil armor and sword



legolas armor and gear



mirkwood soldier armor and gear



elladan and elrohir armor from the war on the north




in addition some eradan cuirass from the war on the north




and some weapons like


tauriel bow and quieverhttp://www.wetanz.com/assets/Uploads/HobbitDOStaurielsbowarrowa4.jpg


and haldir sword and some will be nice to



i thing this would be a great mod like Enpremis Galadhrim Gear and Isilmeriel LOTR Weapons Collection

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Some Rohan armors and outfits would really be cool.




Perfect for Whiterun :)


Kinda similar to Dawnguard armors.

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heres some weapons, theres also a retexture of these as well.




heres some armor,




I got these by searching LOTR on the Nexus mod pages... seriously guys please check the Nexus for a mod before you request them.

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Seriously qwerttyzeldar, please check the thread you are posting in before giving unsuitable answers. He already mentioned the Isilmeriel Weapons Collection in big fat letters so he's aware of it. The weapons he desires are NOT included there so it's absolutely legitimate that he asks for them.


Concerning the elven gear retexture you posted...well...no idea why did you do that since it has nothing in common with the armor shown and demanded here.

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  • 3 months later...

for the love of god YES!!! please someone make these, I also wish someone would add Legolas' mirkwood shoulder armor and tunic. I know there have been lots of Legolas inspired mods, mostly just recoloring of the nightengale armor, i would love to see an actual legit set for it though.

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I like to sneak some LOTR into my Skyrim, as well. For some starters:


For Tauriel's bow and Haldir's sword, try the excellent Isilmerial LOTR Weapons Collection mod, which includes other famous LOTR weapons - the bow is titled Elven Bow and the sword is titled Even Short Sword.


A resonable approximation of Tauriel's female elven ranger armor (as seen in The Hobbit movies) can be found in Grace Darkling's Ranger Armor mod, which also has a retextured version in the Nolrdorian Ranger Armor Standalone mod. Searching for the term "Noldorian" under the Armor category brings up several LOTR-ish elven armor mods (mostly for females). theRoadstrokers Royal Elven Set armor mod also looks LOTR-ish, and has a Norldorian retexturing in a separate mod, as well.


The Aragorn Ranger Armor- Standalone and Craftable - LOTR mod is a rework of the college mage robes, but the author has done a good job of recreating the look of that armor.


Maty743 has created the (Gondorian) Fountain Guard Armor mod, Gondor Armor mod, and a LOTR-ish Bosmer Armor Pack mod.


Ther are other mods that add some of the LOTR and Hobbit characters on the Nexus, as well. m0ckin9bird's Tauriel mod (if you can get her to work) and Women of Middle Earth mods have gorgeous renditions of some favorites.


There appear to be no less than 3 different Fellowship (of the Ring) mods here on the Nexus, as well as Dwarves - The Hobbit Followers mod. Happy hunting!

Edited by ScottC12
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