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Walk is now Run


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>.>...check your controls under options. look for "Always run" and press the key that is assigned to it.


I think default key is 'Caps Lock', if you're on PC. Sometimes when I press 'Tab' to open menu tabs, 'Caps Lock' is also pressed accidentally. If it happens, run/walk control gets reversed(like 'Caps on'->walk), so I have to press 'Tab' and 'Caps' again to fix it.

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This happens every now and again and usually I'm stupid and save my game before fixing it. has anyone else ever had this problem?

That's kinda just how the game works. If you're always running and hold shift, you'll walk. If you're always walking and hold shift, you'll run. It's useful in both cases... being able to quickly shift between running and walking for when sneaking.

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It happens sometimes to me: you probably saved the game with the caps lock active, and now the game thinks it is active, or maybe you used caps or the shift key in the console.

Try to open the console (key under the esc button) and type something: if it's all capital letters and your capslock is off, press the shift key (not caps lock) while in the console and then close the console. if your caps is locked, exit the console and deactivate it. this should work the thing out.

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