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Which one is better?


Which is better  

26 members have voted

  1. 1. which is better

    • PC
    • consoles

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Is mac not a good gaming comp? i se its not in the choices, not that i would vote it.
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I definately believe that the PC is better, for all the reasons listed, but also because you can build, with all the internet computer stores, a very good one(to your specifications), for a moderate price and very little experience. All you have to do is read the directions, be careful and patient. :yes:
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PC you can mod, you can use console to solve little glithces,( stuck because a clipping problem no problem TCL to the win, In a Console only reload....)

And you are free to mod/fix the pc not like the console industries who think they are the true owners and forbbiden to fix hardware problem yourself....

The only advandce of the console it's is you are sure you'll have 100% of the graphics beauty of the modern games, In a Pc you shoul work at the games video settings to addapt to your machine.


  Pyrosocial said:
Is mac not a good gaming comp? i se its not in the choices, not that i would vote it.

AFAIK there's very few games for Mac OS, and it is best suited for work them play games.

But you can read PC as General Computers as you can instal Windows in a Mac.

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  Pyrosocial said:
i have to go with the Pc, becouse not only can you mod games, RTS are impossible on consols, plus you have internet, meaning endless entertainment.


I BEG YOUR PARDON good sir. The first RTS I ever played was on a console. It's a great game. Very primitive by today's standards but still a great game -- I even have a rom of it for my Genesis emulator. I even still have the cart, and the original version of the Genesis. Unfortunately, the old gal hasn't aged well, though with a bit of repair work (connections are shot, mainly) could be brought back to life. Can't say the same for my old SNES though, it seems to have gotten zapped in a storm or something. Or maybe just a design flaw that was there all along...




I haven't owned a console since the 16-bit generation, and often lament the damage console gaming has done to the PC games industry. Make of that what you will. :whistling:

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