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your username signifiance


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they call u a number too?



Yeah, I used to have an aquarium, and one of my favorite fish was this little guy who was a flying fox fish. yeah. thats it. and I use this avatar everywhere, from other game forums to online games, and was once my email... yeah.


I play Battlefield 1942 with this name, and umm, I dont fly GREAT... and umm people sometimes ABUSE my name.............


"FlyingFox? more like FlyingF[censored]!"

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My name is from my first character I started when I got Morrowind for Xbox. And then I got the computer version and played as her again. :lol: lol k that wasn't a very interesting "story" about how I got this name, but oh well. :P
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Significance of my name? I really couldn't tell you anymore, a loooong time ago when we first got the internet, I was on the GameFAQs message boards struggling to think of a name to sign up with (the first time I ever needed a name to use on the Internet). I came up with Icelight and I have used it ever since, for everything, online that is :D
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I created Alysha Phoenix 5 years ago as a character in a Final Fantasy III fan-fic (set in the WoR--world of ruin). She is me, but modified a tiny bit to be more of my "ideal." I decided to use her as my online name because I couldn't think of anything else.


I never finished the fan-fic though. My interest in FF fizzled out and moved onto other games.


And yes, that is a picture I drew of her below the name. Hastily colored in photoshop.

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Lets see. Admiral originated from playing C&C Red Alert. I just picked a name that sounded nice and I've used it since. My other name I use is Odin, taken from Norse Mythology, (NOT the FF version, shudders at the thought).


The other name I use is Admiral Odin (simple combination of the two previous ones)

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I've been interested in astronomy for a long time, and Orion is my favourite constellation (it's easy to spot! :D). So when I was looking for a username I decided I'd pick one which sounded like the name of a star - greek letter + the latin name of a constellation.


Theta sounded best, and of course it had to be Orion -> Theta Orionis


I didn't even know that there was actually such a star until I got bored one day and ran a google search....






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I'm an artist, and a self-styled King.


I added the numbers after I found out some male without a father on AOL thought he was the King. So, to avoid confusion (with him or any other pissants who stole my idea) I added 1239, as it was unlikely that the bastards would've chosen the same numbers. I win, you here me! I WIN!!!


Erm, ahem. :unsure:

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