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Load Orders


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Greetings and sorry for sounding like a noob but here goes!


I own the Oblivion game of the year edition for pc I know it comes with

Knights of the nine

Shivering isles


I have bought


Horse armor pack

Mehrunes razor


Spell tomes

Thieves den

Vile lair

Wizards tower


I have down loaded the following


custom race fix 1815

official Oblivion Patch v1.2.0416 english

official ShiveringIsles Patch v1.2.0416 english



UnofficialOblivionPatchv3.2.4 patch



boss (unsure of verson)





So now question time


my load order should be


1 Oblivion game of the year edition


2 boss, obmm ,obse_0017b


3 custom race fix 1815 ,official Oblivion Patch v1.2.0416 english


4 UnofficialOblivionPatchv3.2.0omod ,UnofficialOblivionPatchv3.2.4 patch


5 Horse armor pack

Mehrunes razor


Spell tomes

Thieves den

Vile lair

Wizards tower


6 Knights of the nine


7 Shivering isles


8 official ShiveringIsles Patch v1.2.0416 english


9 UnofficialShiveringIslesPatchv1.4.0.omod



Right? Or how has everyone been loading theirs may I ask?

Or is there some mods,patches,suggestions that I still need or want?

I have looked for a correct load order for said list and have no luck finding one.

I thought this was rather funny since it must be the most asked noob question.

Thanks you very much for your time Novastorm13

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Load your unofficial patches (Oblivion one then SI) first. You do not need the custom race fix as that comes with the Unofficial patch. There is also an unofficial DLC mod patch as well for all your DLCs.


Here's basic load order guidlines for when you get other mods :)


Oblivion.esm - this MUST be the first thing in the list.

All other .esm files All .esm files MUST be before any .esp files.

Unofficial Oblivion Patch

Unofficial Shivering Isles patch

Weather/Environment/Sound Mods

Minor Mods/New Items/Houses/DLC's (Post-Completion)

Note: any DLC patch should go directly after the DLC it changes, no matter where the DLC is located

Major Overhaul Mods (FCOM, OOO, MMM etc)

Any compatibility patches for the major overhaul mods

Mods that specifically conflict with overhauls and need to take precedence

DLC's (Pre-Completion)

Quests (these can be moved up after completion of the quest)

Compatibility Patches/UOMP/Merged Leveled Lists

Special handling mods - Streamline, Deadly Reflex etc.


After DLCs and quest mods have been completed they can be moved up.

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Load your unofficial patches (Oblivion one then SI) first. You do not need the custom race fix as that comes with the Unofficial patch. There is also an unofficial DLC mod patch as well for all your DLCs.


Here's basic load order guidlines for when you get other mods :)


Oblivion.esm - this MUST be the first thing in the list.

All other .esm files All .esm files MUST be before any .esp files.

Unofficial Oblivion Patch

Unofficial Shivering Isles patch

Weather/Environment/Sound Mods

Minor Mods/New Items/Houses/DLC's (Post-Completion)

Note: any DLC patch should go directly after the DLC it changes, no matter where the DLC is located

Major Overhaul Mods (FCOM, OOO, MMM etc)

Any compatibility patches for the major overhaul mods

Mods that specifically conflict with overhauls and need to take precedence

DLC's (Pre-Completion)

Quests (these can be moved up after completion of the quest)

Compatibility Patches/UOMP/Merged Leveled Lists

Special handling mods - Streamline, Deadly Reflex etc.


After DLCs and quest mods have been completed they can be moved up.


Thank you so much that helps so much ...but I was thinking of more of the base set up to install

most mods. For example most newer mods come in obmm form so I put it OBMM in so I have the most compatablty vs non obmm mods.

With that in mind I was looking the best base list I guess. For exmaple


base install order (put straight into oblivian folder)


1 Oblivion game of the year edition


2 boss, obmm ,obse_0017b


3 custom race fix 1815 ,official Oblivion Patch v1.2.0416 english


4 UnofficialOblivionPatchv3.2.0omod ,UnofficialOblivionPatchv3.2.4 patch


5 Horse armor pack

Mehrunes razor


Spell tomes

Thieves den

Vile lair

Wizards tower


5a DLC patches (thanks for pointing I had forgot these)


6 Knights of the nine


7 Shivering Isles


8 official ShiveringIsles Patch v1.2.0416 english


9 UnofficialShiveringIslesPatchv1.4.0.omod


Then all other mods should be put in and loaded throught the OBMM folders right?

With a few acceptions (I noticed many of my Unofficialpatches came in obmm form)

and there for should be installed in the above order vs installing Obmm last.


And this is the best listing as for veiw or is the easyest way to

understand the install (only) list for noobs like me.

From here most noobs should understand whats needed and the

the right order to install the best base before most mods are installed.


And these seem to be the base needed for most mods that are out

there or so I thought thank you for pointing out that I forgot about the DLC patches!

And this is a install list and its not the same as the load order list in obmm right?

I mean I readed the bosses read me on the download page and thought it would

fix most load order problems wich is why it was among the first installs.

Yes I am adding most of these to be able to add


wyre bash (boss keeps makking bash patch suggestions is why)

All Natural modular weather



and as many other mods as I can


As for a true overhual mod cobl (I think its spelled like that)





hmm as I have readed they offer many great things but Im still unsure wich offers the

most compatablty but thats was for later must get my base set right?So I have a fresh

install of the above install list stopping at number 5.

I have install all the DLC but not the patches yet.

and was stopping to check to make sure the base install sounded right.

I use to own a delux ed. and noticed when I read the install read me I thought

it had said to load orrery before theives lair or something like that.

So in the end being new to all the oblivian style of modding im just trying to make

sure when I install the above list layerin them like a cake that all layers are in the correct order

and dont cancel one other and cuase glitches(I think).

I have modded for some other games (mostly star trek armada 2) but nothing like this so.

Again thank you for all help.






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Im sorry tobother all again but can anybody tell me the

names or the links for

"There is also an unofficial DLC mod patch as well for all your DLCs."

that Illiad86 mentions on the above post when I looked an saw





Unofficial DLC Wizards Tower ESP Patch v1.0.0

what are the others pls?

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You might try the search function on the files section. It works fairly well.

I also recommend SM plug in refurbish. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=11474 It prevents all of the DLCs from starting at once and cluttering up your game at the beginning. It causes each DLC to trigger it's start only when you have reached a place in the game where it could logically happen.


The DLCs were late add ons and were not intended to start with the game but to be added on after you finished the original game. All DLCs including KOTN can be treated as normal mods. However, Shivering Isles is a true add on and includes the latest patch to Oblivion in the Shivering Isles code. So it MUST be installed to have the latest patch. However, the SM Plugin refurbish will prevent any instant rumors - It's still there, the message just doesn't appear until later.

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I think I'm confused. Or you are. Either way, here goes:


Load order wise - OBSE and the official patch do not have ESPs or ESMs... they will not appear in your load order. See Iliad's post or Ben's really really handy articles for more information on final load orders.


If you meant (as I think you do) installation order-


1- Oblivion.

2- Shivering Isles & KotN (GotY edition) - you don't need the official patch. The Shivering Isles install from the Game of the Year version has the latest patch on it (1.20416 or something mad like that)

3- All OFFICIAL DLCs (as in the mods that Bethesda made & released ; Horse Armour, Mehrunes Razor, ect ect ect)

4- OBSE / OBMM /other utilities.

5- The Unofficial Patch set; UOP 3.2, the UOP update 3.4, the Unofficial SI Patch, the Unofficial mods patch. I can't link em or I would- I'm at work and can't access the file servers (Damn you, Websense!) Search "Unofficial" (spelt jus like that but wothout the "") on the file server and you should find em all.

6- Mods; Start with small ones at first. Weapon/armour sets. Install them MANUALLY. (yes, Wrye Bash and OBMM have great installers, but you want to get the hang of doing this by hand so you learn a little about it first. Will save you a lot of headaches later on) Keep the oiriginal Zips so you can find the files/folders and delete them if they don't work or you just plain don't like em. Practice installing AND uninstalling these smaller mods and go test them in game. Look around for the weapons/armour you added. Try them on. If you've done everything right they should work as planned or stated in the read me. If you haven't done everything right and something looks/works wrong or just plain don't work at all, we'll speak with you again soon... heh heh... but don't worry about it. People new to modding games frequently need a gentle shove in the right direction at first... but... always (always always always) read the read me with mod files. Always. Can't emphasise this enough. The number of posts here on the Nexus alone where people have ran screaming at the modders "Your mods *ban em*!!! it doesn't *ban em again* work!" and when it boils down to it affordmentioned muppets simply haven't read the read me is unbelievable.

7- Enjoy the game, and the new content these lovely fellas have made for you, for free, at the sole cost of their own blood, sweat and tears... and respect the modders. These guys rock. :D



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OBSE, OBMM and other utilities are not mods and do not install like mods. Be sure to read the installation instructions. They are actually installed outside of the game. OBMM is the mod manager that you start to activate and deactivate mods, as well as adjust the load order - don't use the data in the game menu when you use OBMM.


After you have made any changes in load order etc, OBMM has a Launch Oblivion function, (upper Right side of the screen) use that to start the game.

The OMOD function is optional, but if you do use it to work with mods it will be much easier to remove an OMOD installed mod than one that was installed manually.


OBSE is a script extender that MUST be started instead of the Oblivion launcher - The OBMM launcher will automatically detect if OBSE is installed and start it first for you.


A lot of mods require the OBSE, so its a good idea to have it. If there are no mods in your list that do require it, it does nothing and dosn't hurt if it is installed. There are NO options with OBSE, either it is there or not.

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Okay first thanks so much all I really apprecate the help. And I think Jenrai offers the closest to what I was looking for.....but..hmm....alright new angle...


The base install list

(to be copyed into a back up folder before any mod is added and should hold

most of the content needed to start installing 95 percent of mods out there)

and from what I have learn so far it looks like this right?


1- Oblivion.


2- Shivering Isles & KotN (GotY edition)



(as in the mods that Bethesda made & released ; Horse Armour, Mehrunes Razor, ect ect ect)

and the patches should be added when each addon is(right?)

===Needed by most mods unless statted in the read me.


4- OBSE / OBMM /other utilities. ===Again most mod need obmm and obse to work.


5- The Unofficial Patch set;

UOP 3.2,

the UOP update 3.4,

the Unofficial SI Patch,

the Unofficial mods patch. ====Just for the bug fixxes and again most of the

mods I have seen like you to have these.


Next Question

The whole backing up my base to a folder or zip file

I learn to do while makking and downloading Star Trek Armada 2

mods.I found that when I uninstalled some mods the base game I

had played dozens of times would often be glitched to the point of crashing and

I thought it would be simpler to drag and drop the back up folder rather than

uninstall then reinstall this idea will work with this game right?


Last Question for this post

As I read the search list page and descriptions for Unofficial DLC patches

out of 4 pages realy only see 2 DLC patches that are bug fixxes the rest seem to

be mods and not patches. Tho I do wish I could run the


----Unofficial Patches & Refurbish - ALL----

Original Mods by: Quarn & Kivan, Strategy Master

Merged .ESP by Humanbean234


not only does it fix bugs but includes that sm plugin that bben46 pointed out.


Im not after mods yet not realy just the bug fixs and mods thats mod game play

and emersoin(no way I spelled that right sorry) to be more real life like.

Some of the mods I do plan to add were


MartsMonster ===to expand the monster and wildlife

allnatrualweather === for looks and emersoin factor

and of course now the Sm plugin === for more real life like game play.


Wich are mainly about enhanceing and makking me lose myself in the game.

And thats what Im after for now.

Later much later I plan on looking into to modding to tweak it to my flavor a bit more

but for now K.I.S.S. is best.(Keep.It.Simple.Stupid.)


SO now the question

Are there any other patches or mods for the DLC that will fix a bug or

make the game play better and that is not a cheat or new addons that is recomended?

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