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New Extenal Stucture weather script Needed

Jacob Black

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I need someone to make me a script (if Possible) A weather script to be exact that keeps it from raining in side of my house (when it is finally constructed) to prevent it from raining while inside the Cabin But I want to be able to look out the windows and see it Rain Or Snow around the the structure while inside and while on the porch .



Is this possible Now Mind you I am completely Custom building this Cabin from Scratch so this my pose some problems (my original Idea was for it to be just better shelter for the Southlander camp {basically a permanant settlement, basiclly camping cabins} or at least on my New Land mass (Name: Ancient Redwood Forest Isle) that is if i can get my stuf to save on it with out the CS crashing

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It's not possible. You can check if it's raining and if the player is inside the cabin and then make it stops raining, but obviously you'll look outside and it won't be raining... or you can make it an interior and it won't rain there, but you won't be able to look outside.
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  • 6 months later...
update info in the game Starwars battlefront II in kamino one of the buildings on the platforms uses this script sortof the rain does not fall whil under the roof but if you look out of the windows it is raining is this done with skripts or not?
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i know that battlefront is a completly differnt game all i need is the script that makes it possible to be in an eternal interior such as a stable or roof and not have rain coming through it like its not there and be able to look out from under a roof and see rain coming down
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