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first time modding skyrim - realvision


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This might sound stupid but I'm not quite sure if realvision is working/correctly installed. I installed realvision (full, option a I think) using the nexus mod manager and I got an error saying I'm missing injector and wrapper files. Now, I searched around and found it in enbseries_skyrim_v0243, downloaded it and extracted into my skyrim folder. I also installed Climates Of Tamriel and Realistic Lighting Overhaul and I know for sure the realistic lighting works.



Here's a ss if that helps o.o



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What exactly is the issue? I'm musing the Performance version option A. Love the Mod it looks great! Now make sure your AA and such is turned off in the Skyrim Launcher. Also if you're running the Full Version then there is an RV install. Go to your Data Folder and open Realvision. Then click on Install RV. Make sure you have the weather patch for COT as well.

Make sure your Ini Prefs are set too.

Not sure if this will solve any of your issues but good luck. :)

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- ENB 0.243 is not official linked for some reasons, you should go for ENB 0.254: http://enbdev.com/download_mod_tesskyrim.html

- you need only the d3d9.dll and hosts.dll from 'wrapper' folder

- if you start skyrim and ENB is correctly installed a message appears for some seconds in the left corner

Edited by 0varon
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