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260/280/295 are nvidia cards

5750/5770/5790 are ati


the nvidia 260 is actually a whole generation above the 9xxx series, the 295 is the newest card afaik in this series


no, the 260 is not the same thing as the 280, the 280 is a tad faster than the 260 due to a better chip or bus speed or somin, i didnt check that


in general: the higher the number in any series the faster the card, however different generations must be regarded individually


also mind the suffixes behind the card names, sometimes you have an M there or a PCS and similiar things, do a google search on what they mean, M usually means mobile for example and these are usually a tad slower but use less energy, then you have cards with less cache, cards with more speed, and so on...

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I just upgraded my video card to a 1gb Radeon HD 4850 and a 500 watt power supply in order to play GTA 4, which I grew tired of quickly and returned to playing fallout 3, They told me on a GTA forum that I should of bought a 2gb Graphics Card!, I also have 4gb of DDR2 ram and I have XP Pro 32bit
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If you want technical details, it's all up on Wikipedia:





In any series of cards, generally speaking the hundreds and thousands units give you the series and the tens unit gives you the size of the chipset.


Much useful info there. Pity they didn't put a column for wattage as well though. Power consumption is rather important.

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good vendors have the power consumption on their spec tables (horrendous lol... a double 5790 eats nearly 300W!!!)


2GB is of course better than one but it also costs nearly twice as much ;) and you may wanna consider that a card with 2gb might not be able to fully use them anyway, hence most cards that have 2GB actually use 2 chips aswell


i guess the 280 is a good choice, however if you have windows 7 anyway id go with the next gen of directx11 cards right away... if you dont have windows 7 and dont intend to buy in the next half to whole year go for the 280... (imo)

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