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There are so many requests on here for specific homes to be modified to allow for the Multiple Adoptions mod. I don't know if this is possible, but would there be any way to make a spell that adds 6 child beds, with markers etc, to a room? It doesn't have to be pretty, hell it could even be bedrolls, but just something that would allow for our families to live in any of the wonderful houses on the nexus? If any one of you amazingly brilliant modders could take a little time to figure this one out, all us family men/women would be forever in your debt.

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Since I'm always on the road adventuring and the marriage system in Skyrim is terrible I've always preferred to view my housecarls as nannies. Maybe an easier mod to develop would be a tweak to multiple adoptions that lets you adopt up to six but allow them to live in separate houses instead of trying to pack all 6 kids into one house.

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The only time I see my husband and kids are when I'm dropping off my stuff ; I'm already a pretty absent mother, I don't want to abandon them completely. Plus, I think they, as family of the almighty Dragonborn, should get to live in awesome castles too.

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the issue is you have to script the house to accommodate the six children. this means nav markers if the place doesn't have them, scripted beds for each kid, adding a script to all of the adopted kids to have them go to the home, ad many other things. this is a bigger mod than a simple spell that does it for you.

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