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Joinable Factions


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I was just wondering if the list of joinable factions on the elder scrolls website, manual, etc. was in fact every faction. I have a feeling the factions listed for Morrowind did not include all and was wondering whether something similar had happened here.


So i just wanted to know if there were any other joinable factions like, The temple, Great Houses (or their equilavents), Knightly Orders, etc.

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Well, just recently I have ended up joining a faction, a bunch of vampire hunters. I won't say any more than I ended up becoming an honorary member after a quest. There aren't any quests or rank increases so it probably doesn't count. It does show up on my Factions list though.
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current known joinable factions:



blackwood company (alternative to fgihters guild, both hate eachother, never actualy joined but found an existing diolog option in tes constructionset set for it. From what i can figure out there is no option if you are a part of the figters guild)

fighters' guild

mages' guild

thieves' guild


knights of the white stllion

order fo the virtuaous blood

dark brotherhood


never got into anyothers myself or bothered to check anyothers. I don nto tink that there are any houses in this one and the temple only exist in Morrowind. There are proabably more that exist but a lot of them appear to be nothing more than titles that adjust your deposistion with others. If you really want to find them all you can just look through tes constructionset and just find which are joinable, something i dont really want to do.

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  • 1 month later...
how can i find and join the blackwood company???

The Blackwood Company headquarters (and only branch to my knowledge) is in Leyawin. I haven't seen an option to join but both of my characters that have visited there have already been Fighter's Guild members.

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