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Is It Possible?

Storm Raven

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I'm in the process of finishing my description for a file I have uploaded to TES Nexus.


I note that you can use "header" to create header lines, but I don't see a way to change the size of individual lines in the description. I'm using headers, but they are too big for all my needs. What I really need are the headers, the regular font size, and one font size just a little larger than standard, in order to differentiate major headings, from minor ones.


I have read and reread skinnynerds, topic on the subject, but he does not address this issue.

I have read and reread L. Hammonds topic on uploading, again I can find no directions.

I tried using "size =" inside brackets to no avail.


If someone could assist me I would be most grateful.


Storm Raven



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Ye hast come to the correct place!


Stand before and revel in the majesty of this article which has found the answer to the ultimate question (which is 42)


EDIT: I don't know how you missed the clearly marked reference to the BBCode tutorial that is in my How To Upload article...I mean it has been in that article for at least 5 minutes now! :thumbsup:

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Master Hammonds,


With the greatest of respect, I would like to point out to your most marvelous presence, that in the post above I mentioned I had already read skinnynerd's article. There is no reference to font sizes that I can see. It is possible that somewhere in the example code that which I am seeking for exists. Unfortunately I have been unable to find it.


I will set off with high hopes and dreams of finding my answer in your recently updated article.


Help from such as the like of you is most gratefully appreciated.

Ben and I have been banging our heads for hours over this issue. :wallbash:


Your grateful friend,


Storm Raven


(In the meantime, if there are others who have run into this problem, please identify yourselves.

I will find a place to put your names in the sacred list of the "Seekers of Truth".)





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Well, I kinda feel stupid now. I did not recognize his name as the author of that article. :D


But anyways, there is not a "Size" option available in descriptions but you can bring attension to text in several ways:








And you can separate it out even more using the LINE code too.


However, I think it was a wise decision to not include a SIZE bbcode for descriptions. I can just imagine the issues it could cause.

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Master Hammonds,


You have broken my heart in disappointment... not really but it did sound good...


I also can see the inherent dangers with a variable size option in the descriptions.

It would be nice, to have a standard size, the header size, and one in between.

They would have to be used responsibly of course, a good reason not to have them.


Thank you for your assistance.


Always your friend,


Storm Raven



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