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Anyone else really hyped for Mass Effect 2?


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You have to have very high Paragon/Renegade points to be able to keep both loyalties during the Miranda/Jack fight, so that it will bring up a blue/red chat option

(same applies with the Tali/Legion scenario. Oh and you also lose loyalty with Tali if you tell the Admirals that it was her father's fault in her loyalty mission)


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SceneGG, it is not that high... you need much higher for

getting their loyalty back if failed that first check. That's how I lost Jack, and I had almost maximum Paragon at that point - no use. It seems that at least one of each pairs of missions should be left for last: Miranda/Jack just before IFF mission and Legion right after. I just wonder why no one other had any problems, like Mordin/Grunt. But it doesn't seem they care about each other at all.

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I always left Jack's loyalty mish as the last before doing the IFF, so I guess that's why its never been an issue, but then again I've also had maxxed Paragon points at that point too
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wait, you're talking about after the fight between them? afaik you can't regain their loyalty once it's been lost



I was referring to the fact that if you have high paragon/renegade during their "argument" you get extra chat options (red/blue) that basically makes you neutral to the whole argument, thus keeping both their loyalties


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