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Anyone else really hyped for Mass Effect 2?


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I wish that charm/intimidate were trainable skills. Having them fully tied to the Paragon/Renegade meter makes it very difficult to play a "Paragade" Shep without sacrificing a lot of late-game dialogue options, and possibly even several characters' loyalties. The first Shepard I imported had fully maxed out both Charm and intimidate over several ME1 playthroughs; it would have been nice if that had carried over. Were I playing on PC, I might consider a mod that removed the Paragon/Renegade check for conversation choices, at least for that character. I don't enjoy playing a total jerk enough to make a full Renegade playthrough just to investigate all the lines I've missed out on, though I might do one somewhere down the road anyway.
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I wish that charm/intimidate were trainable skills. Having them fully tied to the Paragon/Renegade meter makes it very difficult to play a "Paragade" Shep without sacrificing a lot of late-game dialogue options, and possibly even several characters' loyalties.

I missed out on bonuses from Tali's and Samara's loyalty quest due to not having enough of points in para/ren. Has anyone been able to rack up renegade points without getting paragon?

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It seems on higher difficulties the ally AI gets worse. Tali and Mordin seem to be the worse at jumping out in front of gunfire, and standing atop crates in order to get shot at.




Does anyone have any tips on defeating the final boss on hardcore mode using an adept? I know where the weakspots are, but I never make it past halfway.


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I think its some sort of relativity thing happening where the AI seems stupider because every mistake is more costly.



Well for the final boss I used all my assault rifle and heavy weapon ammo on it, ordered Mordin and Zaeed to do the same while unleashing every power as fast as possible while using cover, it died before it could squish a single platform. I actually found the Scion and Husks in the biotic sphere part much harder. Insanity is hard but I eventually won and it was actually easier than I expected.



As for your comment on Paragon/Renegade exploits I believe the Mass effect Morality page has some of the exploits listed.

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