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Closer to Vanilla Weapon Packs


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I've been skimming over weapon pack after weapon pack and many are good, I feel as if they stand out when compared to the dirty, dingier models in the vanilla, and, more common than not, the custom weapons did more damage than their vanilla counterparts that they made using vanilla weapons useless. I was wondering if anyone had any packs that:


1) maintained the war-torn look of FO3 (not to say "realism" to avoid sparking an argument over the 200 degradation of an AK)

2) aren't instantly better than any default weapon (one pack put an AK in the game that was sold at 100% condition and had a damage of 135, it blew any hunting rifle I had at the time out of the water and made the early game too easy)


Thank you for reading and for any help you can give.

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If you're looking to add more flavor without adding brand new non-replacers, you could go for T3T Weapon Tweaks. Mainly, it tweaks the stats of the existing weapons, only changing the models and textures for a select few. It also adds some of the missing uniques.


If you want to add new weapons and leave the vanilla ones alone, I don't know any packs off hand. I never had much interest in conventional weapons before, having been a laser-wielding fiend most of the time. ;)


Sounds like you prefer the look of the vanilla weapons though, so I thought I'd throw T3T out there.

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Thanks for the suggestion. I had tried installing T3T a while back and had a CTD problem and didn't really look into fixing it, just moving on to other mods. I'll definitely go back and fiddle with it now, though (haven forbid I download the appropriate master .esm).


Anyone else have any other suggestions?

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You could always just use the GECK to alter the weapon's statistics to match the vanilla weapons. I just finished changing some of Nimrod's fabulous Star Trek weapons to match the game's Plasma Rifle and Pistol. I have used this method in the past to match a 1903 Springfield to a vanilla sniper rifle. This won't make the weapon appear more grungy, but it will bring them more in line with the game.




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