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Disarm Traps mod?


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I'm 90% sure it is possible. Disarm is an spell / magical effect.

On my own game I added a "broken wrist" spell / poison that happens when a bear or an orc hits you and you are not wearing armored gauntlets. I added the disarming bash perk / effect to this, = so sometimes a bear can knock your weapon out of your hands.


So it should be possible to add that spell to any of the traps.


What traps would you want it added to??


And of the traps that transfer a disease like Rockjoint etc. should work. I don't know about the falling boulder type traps.

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I may be wrong, but it sounds like the OP is requesting a way to disable traps, not for traps that disarm the player's weapons on activation.


A large number of traps can already be disabled through the lockpicking interface. Those that can't, such as pressure plate traps, can still be rendered effectively useless with a little help from physics and a heavy enough object...

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I think this guy is looking for a more fun and interesting way to disarm them, similar to lock picking, other mini games considering location and pressure. Like maybe to disarm a chest rigged trap have you take out your knife and hold onto the string and cut it, but then have that be a mini game so you can possibly mess up. Very cool idea, would req

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