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House of the Redguard II - Official Mod Topic


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Tbh I understand Davide's feelings about this, I too had a mod but then 6 months later another mod author released a more popular mod on the same area, it demotivated me so much I stopped modding for almost 3 months.

Either way that modding urge got the best of me in the end and I began working on my mod again, so perhaps "and hopefully" this will also happen for Davide, after all he already spend so much time on hes Redguard House it would be a shame to not finish it.

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Here I am guys. I'm sorry but I was demotivated and I was angry with myself. I was angry because she did my same project (I'M NOT SAYING SHE STOLE MY MOD, because the results are different).


This is my project: Redguard house with patio, in the middle of the nature, near the Hammerfell border.

This is her project: Redguard house with patio, in the middle of the nature, near the Hammerfell border.


Also, I noticed that she used some objects I used in both my Redguard houses. Most of them are pure coincidences, but, for example, let's take something original like the Blackreach sun: I used it as a lamp (House of the Redguard 1), and she did the same thing.

I'm not saying that she stole something, because the Blackreach sun is a vanilla mesh (like all the meshes I used). But (I might be wrong) I think I'm the first person who had the original idea to use it as a lamp. So, in my opinion she must have noticed my project.



In poor words, I'm not accusing anyone, if I'm angry, that's my problem.

When I do something, and after a few months someone realizes (in a different manner) the same project, I feel really bad, even if everything is perfectly legal.

Let's suppose I realize a couple of twin towers. After a few months someone else realizes the same project on the other side of my city. However, his towers look completely different, even if they share my same project (the project talks about two connected towers...so...something unusual).

I get angry, but only because I have the kind of personality that lets me say something like this "if I were in that person, I'd realize something different, because the other person (me) was already doing something like that".


So, I will repeat it for the last time: I'm not a competitive person. And that's my problem. I'm sure Elianora is a competitive person who just wanted to create her own version of a particular project like mine. And she did it very good, without stealing anything!

Edited by DavideMitra
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I think your reading waaaaay to much into this:

1. Redguard house with patio, her house has a small entrance with some chairs very clearly nothing like yours in anyway other then its there.

2. In the middle of the nature, almost every house is in the middle of nature your only other option is to conflict with others mod and put them in towns.

3. Near the Hammerfell border, where else would a Redguard build a huge house dedicated to his homeland?

The lamp is a toss up because its pretty much a lamp in the vanilla game, I am also pretty sure I have seen it in another house mod. I admit I looked through your whole WIP thread again at the pictures and saw no lamp at all (unless you removed the pictures?).

Of course you all used the same meshes and resources, there are after all only a certain amount of resources for this kind of house around.

Now please do not take this the wrong way as I do not know Elianora, but I truly doubt Elianora saw your mod and thought "Hey he is doing this project and working super hard on it, I am going to make a house like his and make it better faster. Because I am competitive and need to monopolize the house mod market."

I will say it again your houses are absolutely nothing alike, yours is massive and on a larger scale with a quest, Elianora's is smaller and compact with really only a couple "rooms" and you kill a dragon to get a key.

Only thing similar is its a Redguard house.


Anyways I think there is more then enough room for many mods that add two towers to the game, neither one will be the same or made for the same reasons in the end.

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You can't find the lamp because it's on "House of the Redguard", the released mod. xD

When building the house interior of the WIP, I decided to create a different lamp (a custom lamp made with some meshes), because the Blackreach sun looked like something that comes from China, and not something that comes from North Africa/Middle Eastern Countries. Middle Eastern "strange lamps" are a bit different...


However....I feel stupid, because you're right. For example, the lamp is called Blackreach Sun, but, despite the name, it's only a huge LAMP connected to the massive-cave ceiling.

Also, you saw the lamp on other mods. But damn it, I did nothing original, because it's a...lamp xD

Also, where the hell could a person build a Redguard house? Near the Morrowind border? xD

Same kind of mods but with a completely different development.


Maybe you're right...I have a lot of fantasy and I might be wrong.

However, I don't think that fantasy comes from nothing. Maybe my inconscious is saying that, as always, I will be (personally) very happy about my work, but almost nobody will ever know about the mod existance.


However...since I'm not the only one that cares about my WIP, and since I don't want to throw a project like that into my pc trashcan (it required a massive number of hours because of custom meshes and because of other things), I will continue to work on it!









I never released updates for a long time (I guess two months).

I had several problems and I don't really know how to fix one of them them:


1) That's my first big mod. I don't know if it's normal (I've got a medium end computer), however, the CK is starting to crash. And that's really demotivating: sometimes, I lost a lot of work.

Also, the CK is very slow to load esps: it takes a lot of minutes.

Crash = a lot of wasted time and maybe some work wasted too.


2) Here's the big problem. As you already know, one of the goals of this mod is to bring you a completely exterior world.

The Falmer dungeon is the first medium sized dungeon I ever made...and inside of it there are loads of enemies.

Every time I approach the first enemy, the entire dungeon notices me, even if the other enemies are very far away from me or even if they are crawling in the dungeon deepths.

That shouldn't happen, because the dungeon is a cave dungeon. A lot of tunnels, a lot of curves. It's like the enemies are able to see through the cave ceilings/walls.

This problem means I can't proceed with the quest, and also means I can't create other medium-sized/large dungeons. How could a person fight against 20-30 enemies at the same time? Even if the Dohvakiin could, it would be a nonsense!!|





1) I created the pass (Skyrim worldspace) that will connect Skyrim world to my new world. The pass is located near Glenmoril.

I will upload some pics in some hours.


2) I said that, theorically, I can't create completely exterior medium-sized/large dungeons.

But, to be honest, inside of a pass you can't find an entire colony of enemies...instead, you'd find a small pack of wolves or something like that.

Since a pass shouldn't contain a large group of enemies, I can bypass the dungeon problem I exposed some minutes ago.

So, after entering the Skyrim exit of the pass (after the load screen), you will find yourself inside of the pass, that will be a completely exterior medium-sized location that will directly connect you to my valley.


3) Do you remember what I said about staged objects? In order to change the stage of a group of objects, you were forced to interact with two activators.

Some weeks ago, when creating another mod (just for fun), I discovered how to interact with a single activator. Of course, I only used vanilla scripts. Nothing new has been added to the game. I only used my mind.


4) I already decided what will be the music that will play near the fortified house.

I still have to ask permissions, but I hope to obtain them. Otherwise, I will be forced to look for something else.

If you want, listen to the music while watching one of the best house pictures.



5) I continued to landscape. However, I didn't do a lot of things, mainly because of the CK crashes that were demotivating me.










STREET THAT LEADS TO THE PASS - RAMP (the writing attached to the road-sign has been completely built by hand. It says "To Greeny Valley", which is the name of my new worldspace)




STREET THAT LEADS TO THE PASS - PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE RAMP (before of my modification, the ramp didn't even exist: there were only rocks. The lower part of the pass, because of its altitude, was normally unreachable)




A PANORAMIC VIEW OF THE PASS ENTRANCE (you can notice the altitude of the location)








THAT'S THE POINT WHERE YOU GET TELEPORTED WHEN RETURNING BACK TO SKYRIM WORLDSPACE (normally, you would be teleported outside of the pass)


Edited by DavideMitra
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If you use Roombounds and Portals, I believe that should fix your dungeon problem. I think. I'm not certain though.

This might be a solution! I hope so...

I remember you told me to insert roombounds and portals near the cave entrance...however, I might also insert them through the whole dungeon!


If it will work, I will continue to create new dungeons and I will proceed with the quest. Otherwise, I will have to forget about it!

I still have to learn how to place them...I never did that, because I taught to place them near the mod ending steps. But it seems that the time to use them has come!

Edited by DavideMitra
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I'm not sure if this will work with a cave in the exterior, but these are the tutorials I used for my own interior room bounds with portals:

Ive got a multi-room interior with loads of objects and clutter items, without these room bounds it was quite laggy, with these room bounds there is no lag whatsoever.

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Thank you for the video tutorial...I followed both the tutorials (the video and the written tutorial), but...uhm...there's something strange :mellow:


Everything is clear to me, I did a lot of tests, but portals aren't goint to show.


Here's what I did:

1) I check if portals are going to be shown (by default, they aren't, and they must be checked)

2) I select both those red buttons (snap grid and the other one...however, the written tutorial says I only have to select snap grid)

3) I select multiple objects...usually the cave-room walls (I also tried to select single objects or non-wall objects...just for testing purposes)

4) I click on the roombound portal button...but the portal doesn't even show. (I also tried to search for it in the cell object window)

That's it. As you can see, everything is correct.


I was thinking...maybe - like Ac3s said - roombounds and portals aren't supposed to work in exterior cells.


I will do the last test. I will create an hallway that connects two simple rooms (I will create a new .esp and, this time, I will work on an interior cell) and I will try to place two roombounds inside of them.

It must work. Otherwise, that means I did something wrong

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I just heard about what happened. I'm ambivalent. As an editor who's had experience dealing with plagiarism, etc., I think people miss that when you have situations like these - unlike when you're copying an essay, etc. - intellectual property and proofs of concept can be "stolen" or appropriated, rather and passed off as original ones. While it's highly obvious that she didn't copy-paste your mod and pass it off as her own, one could possibly say she to an extent was copying or atleast possibly inspired by your concept. There's certainly no harm in that of course most of the time, but it can really ruin the chances of those they drew their ideas from. I've seen popular modders basically use the ideas less popular modders have used for their work before. At most, I'd probably just say this could be a form of flattery if there is any element of truth to your suspicions, but I doubt it; Redguard-themed mods are severely lacking as-is. You just need to make sure yours stands out, since this is a competitive field and there're always going to be modders trying to one-up each other.


There are a wealth of tutorials - like the ones posted above - that should assist you in creating your dungeon, but I thought I'd ask this question: is it possible that the way you've constructed the dungeon - since it isn't a space separate from the overworld - could be having an effect? Just posing the question. Also, I'm assuming the house will have beds. Do those function properly?

Edited by lmarquisv
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