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Staff account compromise. What's happened and an apology.


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Question: Is TLS-Support planned? I've been wondering for some time, because atm it's fairly easy to "eavesdrop" and just "read" passwords being transfered to the site upon login (once the "adversary" is able to get anywhere inside one's packet-path/route - open WLANs, Tor, malicious VPN-Hosts, ARP-Spoofing if in local LAN/CAN, DNS-Poisoning, etc.). TLS certainly isn't the solution for everything, but it does help to a reasonable extent.
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I would personnally never blame you for that kind of thing, no need to apologize you are the 1st victim after all and we only the collateral damage

almost all files here are .esp .bsa .nif .dds mods are never .exe so unless you want a new nexus mod manager or something and you see a .exe something isnt right

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In response to post #15482745.

Zaldiir - I'm surprised you use Malwarebytes with MSE. Malwarebytes is basically holding up MSE in this case. I did a test in 2012, comparing MSE against AVG free, norton and a few other big names and found that even then, it couldn't automatically see the test virus found here http://www.eicar.org/86-0-Intended-use.html I know it's an old test virus, but if MSE can't see it unless i tell it to scan the file first as compared to AVG not even letting me download the thing, I'd have to say MSE is far worse than AVG. I've also cleaned computers that has MSE on them and found multiple bugs.

I'm not saying that MSE is completely bad, i just wouldn't recommend it to anybody. I'd rate it slightly above Norton as you don't have to pay for it, unlike norton.
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In response to post #15481740. #15482485 is also a reply to the same post.

Ok, ok, relax thehorn2000. (I will admit now that i don't know all the inner workings of skyrim itself, but when it comes to computers, that's a different story. Also, I tried to keep this as calm as possible. If you learn something form this, awesome, if not, just ignore it afterwards. And my biggest apology is to other users for having to deal with this 3 page long post)

First the adsl2+ issue: well, that's you're own fault for playing on servers on the opposite side of the country. Secondly, if you're having that much of an issue connection, I'd recommend you get PeerBlock. That will help with your ping-time as it cuts out all the bouncing your computer is probably doing right now to play those games. I can guarantee you that you're probably bouncing off a few corporate servers, a government server or two and probably a foreign country server just to see this text. Peerblock will eliminate that pinging. Trust me, it did for me.

Second issue is Nod32: agreed.

Third issue of the minimum playable fps: you mentioned system resources... and you also mentioned your system specs. You stated "normal rig" and "five years old". I don't want to make you look uninformed, but maybe you should take the time to research what's actually inside your machine. Putting 2600-k inte CPU into google immediately gets me the specs for the intel Core i7 processor, the 2600l model, which has 4 cores, hyper threading (which gives you 8 threads), operating at 3.4 ghz. You're coupling this processor, which i'd like to have in my own system, with dual channel 4 GB sticks. 8 GB of RAM with 8 threads @ 3.4 GHz, that's above a 'normal' system. And to mention, that 2600k from intel, was released in the first quarter of 2011. that processor is 3 years old. It's "expected discontinuance" was q1 of 2013. Now, you don't exactly give the model number of the AMD card, but you said it was a 1 GB, which was outdated by 2 generations. I can only guess that it had a clock speed between 500 mhz and 1 ghz? You're hard drive is negligable. My system is from 2008. It has a Kentsfiled Q6600 Core 2 Quad operating at 2.4 Ghz (no hyperthreading btw). 16 GB of RAM. GeForce GTX 650 Ti 2GB VRAM with 768 CUDA cores working at 941 mhz.

Fourth issue of skyrim being 50 GB: so? Mine was at 37 GB at one time. what's your point? Most of my mods are the same as yours, graphics and environmental. 2k textures? I had 4k textures in my system, i got rid of them because it was overkill. I couldn't physically see the detail in them unless right up next to the monitor, admiring the detail. And you say you're FPS is at 80 with vysnc. I hope you realize that vysnc stands for vertical synchronization and forcibly synchrocnizes your vertical refresh rate with your MONITOR. So unless you've got some really tricked out monitor, you're stuck with 59/60, possibly 90, 120, 160, 240, and lastly 320, which is usually only found in HIGH END monitors. And since you said east coast (technically said from 'far east' and and servers on 'far west'), means you bought your monitor in the USA, which gives it a high possibility of 59/60 hz. So the 80 fps you indicate gives you an extremely high possibility of 'screen tearing'.

You also indicate that you use every 'extreme' tweak possible to help push the graphics to the 11,000 distance limit, you can't physically see that from your monitor, so there is absolutely no point in doing that. Even with the 'tridef 3d' software, there's no point. You couldn't even see that distance if you walked outside and looked at a field. And since you neglected to mention your video card model, i can't confirm or deny your 3d capabilities. My video card can't even do 3D and it's only a generation old. Then again, 3D graphics gives me migraines and i refuse to watch anything 3D.

fifth issue of system resources, AVG and CTD on startup: Tridef 3d is going to put a more stressful burden on your system than AVG would do, even when its scanning. Why, because Tridef 3D not only has to process the game's information, but it has to send that to the video card for processing. So your card is not only processing the game's Original graphics, but 3D graphics when can and usually is more GPU intensive than 2D. And here is where you're going to understand the limitations of skyrim. Skyrim is 32 bit application. It cannot, by design, use more than 2 GB. Using the 4 GB trick, skyrim will not use more than 3.7 GB of RAM. ENB vision will use a bit, so i'm saying it's going to be using around 5 GB of RAM, coupled with the 1.7 GB that windows 7 ultimate 64 bit will use, that leaves you with about a Gig left. I don't use ENB because i don't see a difference, so i don't need to worry about the greater than 8 GB of use-age like you do. That's what's also probably CTDing your game, skyrim and ENB is requiring more system resources than what's available, and processing the hard drive as RAM is going to kill any performance. Increasing your system resources from 8 GB to 16 or even 32 will significantly help in this regard. But this could mean an entire motherboard swap out.

Unless Skyrim is being that demanding and using ALL 8 threads of 3.4 Ghz, skyrim shouldn't crash (that's 27.2 GFLOPs of processing, I've got 9.6 and i don't have issue). If skyrim crashes because your antivirus starts, you have a tweak in there that is HURTING your game play. Let me give you an example: I can the ENTIRE adobe master creative suite open, have nexus open, firefox, a dozen word documents, itunes going (which now adays needs two cores running) and my skyrim won't crash. I say this because other applications are demanding processing power and skyrim needs processing power, but if it's being diverted elsewhere, skyrim has to wait. I don't have issue, so skyrim isn't that resource hungry. I have papyrus tweaks that put more of a load on the machine to help skyrim run better, but I also don't run any process hungry applications in the background, leaving my entire quad for skyrim. Tell me why yours crashes, other than AVG. Skyrim crashes for a few reasons: messed up mod, messed up tweak, missing mod but have the patch installed or broken game. If it CTDs after the bethesda logo and you aren't missing patches or mods, etc, then you're demanding more than what papyrus can handle. I'd be extremely surprised if you're skyrim is asking more than 8 GB of ram of resources, like i mentioned in the paragraph above.

With everything you've said and all that i've read about your system, i doubt you can get 10 hours of gaming without a crash. A process or service will kick in and suck up that 'precious extra' processing power. Skyrim's programming isn't perfect, and even with all the patches and no mods to change scripting, it will crash. And with your supposed 500 mods you mentioned: do you run nexus mod manager or a different one? Careful with this answer, because if you answer wrong, I'll call BS faster than you can breath.

Sixth issue "no ofcourse not,i drop it to connect to rather safe game servers": that doesn't mean the players aren't "unknown." I wasn't talking servers, i was talking players. Big difference. And do you know what pings are even done in? Unless you are aware of yourself being 1/1000th of a second faster than the other person, a few milliseconds isn't going to hurt. And btw, computers think in nanoseconds, that's 1 millionth of a second. You're ping time is involved with your signal going from point B (your house network) to point B (the server of which you're playing on). The servers in between your gaming server and your computer (i can guarantee it hits at least 6 different servers, each of those giving a 2 to 5 ms delay.)

I can tell you now for a fact that if i do a tracert through CMD for google.com, I have a 18 to 20 ms ping time. so your ping time isn't relevant to your computer processing speed. It's based on network speeds between your computer and the destination. Getting Peerblock will help this issue. And you said that the difference is visible with antivirus on and off. It takes your system about 10 nano seconds to scan that signal going out. That's 1/100th of a ms.

7th and final issue: you said any 'experienced' gamer would shut off their antivirus. No, an experienced gamer would know the specs of their system and would optimize their system for SPEED and not EYE CANDY. If you wanted speed and eye candy, you would have a MUCH better video card than that AMD with 1 GB (i'm guessing it's not as good as my current one) my previous GeForce GT 240 was able to run skyrim well enough. An experienced gamer would know how to keep himself safe from attack while gaming. In order for you to get that 'extra' advantage that you're currently looking for, you'd realize that you'd need to drop the eye candy so that the video card wouldn't have to work so hard to get you the next few milliseconds of game so that you can take a quarter second to react to it.
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"On an unrelated note I've had a few reports from German users saying that one of the ads on the rotation is sending them to a fake java updater page. This seems to be localised to only German locations, which makes it tough for me to diagnose, but I have been in contact with the advertising supply chain to try and get to the bottom of this and hopefully the issue will be resolved shortly."


I live in the UK and for some reason, it keeps sending me to a blank flash update page, and I know that my flash is up to date as I updated it yesterday. I'm not sure if this is a coincidence or a problem on my part, but I thought it's best to explore all avenues, just in case.

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In response to post #15497530.

i have not had it happen here on the nexus but i have had the same thing happen on other sites like dubbedanimeftw and animefreak and even youtube so everyone be careful the true updates will come from ur desktop and not sum stupid pop up on a random site.
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In response to post #15495505.

Seriously. I can think of a great deal of sites and even corporations that would just have the tech guys quietly troubleshoot the problem and present a smiling face that says "you're safe with us!" Sony's fiasco a couple years ago springs to mind... I think it was, what, like 10 days before someone finally came out and said "hey, hi. We're reallll sorry but PSN is gonna have to be taken down for a month to fix security issues. Oh also, everyone on PSN your credit card information got stolen. *crosses fingers* Good luck!"

In contrast, here we have someone acting both professional AND like a human being, with notably transparent language, prompt action to inform the userbase and obliterate the malware, ownership of fault as opposed to pointing fingers, and general participation going forward. I haven't been a super active poster here but I had to give my own "endorsement" of what seems to be a pretty well-run ship.
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