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Thanks :)


We have something like that but it's down in Chicago :D


Here's Mars


First one is at 60x, Second one is at 300x, below average seeing...as I said earlier the Moon screwed it all up being so bright.






here's an actual picture





Need to go up pretty far north here to get good views, will do in the spring, winter here is so cold :(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Why thank ya :)


Went out again tonight, the boyfriend built a remote shutter switch so the pictures of the Orion Nebula were much better today, got much more colour :D Telescope got collimated too :) Nice sharp images :)




So much more red, this was a 125 second exposure


Mars is coming along nicely, we got some nice shots, having the remote switch is so helpful, no more shaking :) Will post later when the bf is done fixing it up and stacking.

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  • 1 month later...

Ah well, it's been pretty gloomy and cloudy here lately...we got a few shots of Mars last night at least :) We got a Saturn not too long ago too :D


I'll have the pics up when I get them off my boyfriend's computer...he's busy right now :P

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hehe :biggrin:


Here we go :)








Seeing was rather terrible...didn't get too much detail on Saturn.


Might go out tomorrow night and catch some more of Orion and a few star clusters :)

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I do remember one time when the moon was full and the sky was a clear as day, but it was night. I managed to see mars, it was at its closest orbit.


Looked like a red dot, beside the moon, but it had its Characteristics. :confused:


Nice pics :thumbsup:


I Swear it was mars?


I mean it was red, the dot was.




I believe this is what i saw.

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Thanks Thor :)


If the reddish dot was near the moon, it is Mars...all the planets run along the same "line" as the Moon. You can see Saturn too, it's a yellowish dot.

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