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Australia bans small breasts in movies,porn,etc.


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labor, liberal, conservatives... in the end they all steal our liberties whatever they call themselves... id like to see one country in the world actually lifitng a ban or prohibition but instead they just seem to keep stockpiling them no matter how reasonable they are.

its only a pity that so many people had to die in all those wars around the world believeing they fought for freedom just to see it turned into something our forefathers would not even crap on... *silence*


I agree! Its funny how in the US the lines have blurred so much that teh two main parties are essentially the same. I think that when you get too liberal, extreme liberalism it leads to conservatism. Don't however ask me to bak that up with fact as it is just a hunch and opinion very hard to put into words. Just as we all have hunches about certain things, somehow we just know them to be true.

Actually, it stems from a misunderstanding of the term "liberal". Some use it as meaning a group which actively seeks out change according to any philosophy. Others use it as meaning a group who has more progressive and open minded philosophies. In contrast, "conservative" is used to mean either a group who resists any sort of change regardless of philosophy, or to mean a group who adopts a more closed and "old world" philosophy.


The confusion happens because in more recent years there have been more people who have been actively seeking out changes based on more closed and "old world" philosophies. In contrast to just opposing those philosophies.


Fox News is Conservative (fanatical conservative, but still conservative in philosophy)

MSNBC is Liberal

CNN is more moderate, but can appear as both Liberal or Conservative depending on who you are.


Atleast that's the screwed up US take on the matter.

Edited by Vagrant0
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labor, liberal, conservatives... in the end they all steal our liberties whatever they call themselves... id like to see one country in the world actually lifitng a ban or prohibition but instead they just seem to keep stockpiling them no matter how reasonable they are.

its only a pity that so many people had to die in all those wars around the world believeing they fought for freedom just to see it turned into something our forefathers would not even crap on... *silence*


I agree! Its funny how in the US the lines have blurred so much that teh two main parties are essentially the same. I think that when you get too liberal, extreme liberalism it leads to conservatism. Don't however ask me to bak that up with fact as it is just a hunch and opinion very hard to put into words. Just as we all have hunches about certain things, somehow we just know them to be true.

Actually, it stems from a misunderstanding of the term "liberal". Some use it as meaning a group which actively seeks out change according to any philosophy. Others use it as meaning a group who has more progressive and open minded philosophies. In contrast, "conservative" is used to mean either a group who resists any sort of change regardless of philosophy, or to mean a group who adopts a more closed and "old world" philosophy.


The confusion happens because in more recent years there have been more people who have been actively seeking out changes based on more closed and "old world" philosophies. In contrast to just opposing those philosophies.


Fox News is Conservative (fanatical conservative, but still conservative in philosophy)

MSNBC is Liberal

CNN is more moderate, but can appear as both Liberal or Conservative depending on who you are.


Atleast that's the screwed up US take on the matter.

The difference between Fox News and MSNBC is Fox News has real news, as well as conservative talkshows and such. MSNBC is mostly just liberal news. MSNBC tends to not talk badly about democrats.

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DELETED expression I made in making any Intellectual farce of people chipping away at old documented paper knowledge they seem to be usingg like kindling only they can't seem to strike the flint hard enough to start a fire.


I don't want to give people the feeling I just wrote a movie script to amuse them and that it might be construed as SPAM.


King Cobra Poison is more like what I intended.

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Fox News is Conservative (fanatical conservative, but still conservative in philosophy)

MSNBC is Liberal

CNN is more moderate, but can appear as both Liberal or Conservative depending on who you are.


Atleast that's the screwed up US take on the matter.


While I believe you have a surprisingly good grasp on the philosophical bases of the current two major parties in power, I disagree that MSNBC can fairly be called liberal. It's quite centrist, (though granted, I'm sure it may seem liberal in comparison to Faux.) The main host is a retired Florida Republican.


In fact Bill Clinton was a centrist, if the truth be told.


There hasn't been a true liberal philosophy in the mainstream of America since the 20s and 30s and any last vestiges were driven out by McCarthyism; the movement has never recovered in the US. But the Red Scare lives on and has left an indelible stain on American politics.

Edited by myrmaad
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Fox News is Conservative (fanatical conservative, but still conservative in philosophy)

MSNBC is Liberal

CNN is more moderate, but can appear as both Liberal or Conservative depending on who you are.


Atleast that's the screwed up US take on the matter.


While I believe you have a surprisingly good grasp on the philosophical bases of the current two major parties in power, I disagree that MSNBC can fairly be called liberal. It's quite centrist, (though granted, I'm sure it may seem liberal in comparison to Faux.) The main host is a retired Florida Republican.


In fact Bill Clinton was a centrist, if the truth be told.


There hasn't been a true liberal philosophy in the mainstream of America since the 20s and 30s and any last vestiges were driven out by McCarthyism; the movement has never recovered in the US. But the Red Scare lives on and has left an indelible stain on American politics.

I'm guessing you're one of the people who thinks NPR isn't biased.

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I'm guessing you're one of the people who thinks NPR isn't biased.


I don't spend a lot of time watching or reading NPR, so I don't have a frame of reference for that.


I can tell you that if you think you are not biased, you're fooling yourself. By virtue of being human we all have blinders on, our perceptions color our worldviews.



On another note, I don't think "conservative" is a relevant term for the right, it simply conveys a misleading message. I would rather like to see them referred to as "preservatives".

Edited by myrmaad
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I'm guessing you're one of the people who thinks NPR isn't biased.


I don't spend a lot of time watching or reading NPR, so I don't have a frame of reference for that.


I can tell you that if you think you are not biased, you're fooling yourself. By virtue of being human we all have blinders on, our perceptions color our worldviews.



On another note, I don't think "conservative" is a relevant term for the right, it simply conveys a misleading message. I would rather like to see them referred to as "preservatives".

Well, of course I'm biased, just like every individual is to some extent.

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Well, I think why not. Australians got tired of small boobs so they made them illegal. Why the hell not?

Well, for me, and most I would hope, the issue is not what is being done, but why it's being done. It sounds like they were having a problem with adult movies which feature actresses which are flat chested, or who appear younger, and decided that the best way to spoil it for any potential pedophiles was to ban content solely on the basis of breast size. To a foreigner, this just seems ass-backward, and only seems to suggest that the country has some serious pedophile epidemic, and instead of treating, jailing, castrating, killing those who actually perform some heinous act against a minor, they instead decide to stifle some previously legal act without even considering what illegal acts are being done. A sick person will do almost anything they can to fulfill their "needs", by depriving legal outlets which are presented purely in the fantasy, history has shown time and time again, that it only leads to those sick people looking to other, less legal outlets for their interests. All these measures will likely only lead to more severe, real world problems. But, that's what happens when politicians who don't understand a bit of sociology or even the matters which they are dealing with start passing laws that "sound good".

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