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Where Have All The "Mod Gods" Gone?


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I've been meaning to bring this up for a while, but never got around to it until now. I'm wondering where some of our most talented modders from prior games have gone?


Specific modders I'm wondering about are:




Vagabond Angel


Princess Stomper



Arcimaestro Antares


Now, I realise some of them may have just lost interest in TES after the last game they produced a mod for, but I'm kind of sad not to see them around. Don't get me wrong - there are plenty of "Mod Gods" among the Skyrim community, but I'm feeling a bit nostalgic lately and wondering where they went...

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Seeing as most experienced modders are usually in their early twenties, it should come as little surprise that they've moved on. Those old-hands you mentioned are all probably in their mid to late twenties by now. They have careers, and likely families of their own to tend to by now. Of course this is all speculation, but there it is.

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Also, we have a new line of "mod gods" now like hothtrooper, arthmoor, and chesko ^_^ Modding skyrim is a different game(pun intended) for a different group of people!

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