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Vampires Turn To Ash When Killed


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It's partly a request, but also does it exist and or would it be easy to do.


I have search all over the Nexus for such a mod and the closest I've come is Better vampires which turns YOU to ash when YOU die which is kind of pointless or Truly Undead - Reborn which you need to put garlic on there corpse to turn them to ash and this is fine but I don't want to carry around tons of garlic, I also think Clean Up Your Corpses does something similar but a lot more complicated.


All I would like it for vampires to turn to ash as soon as I kill them, like reanimated undead do, or like vampires do in the movies.


Any help would be very much appreciated, thanks.

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I had seen True Death a while ago but I wasn't looking for this type of mod then and it now has a "turn to dust" option so it's perfect, had it not had the "turn to dust" option I still would have used it but it worked out great, thanks.


I do know the difference between Vampires and Thralls, I killed Vampires with Better Vampires installed and had the ash death option on when I killed them but it didn't work for some reason, but I matters not as the other mod is more of what I want, Better Vampires is mainly about you being a Vampire and I'm a Werewolf.

Edited by TanisDuncan
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better vampires does cause EVERY vampire to ash when they die. don't get vampires and vampire thralls mixed up only the former are actual vampires.


Why do people keep saying this? The author of Better Vampires has said tons of times that the mod only affects the player character, not NPCs. I've never had a vampire turn into dust with Better Vampires and I have that option enabled in my own game.

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... sorry let me correct myself. Better Vampires CAN cause EVERY vampire to ash when they die. don't get vampires and vampire thralls mixed up only the former are actual vampires. its a simple change of settings in the CK. i read how to do it in the comments section of the mods. I've just been running with that for such a long time i forgot it has to be done manually.

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