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Another note on site security, your security, and a malware email doing the rounds


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Im so afraid ;__;

I get the e-mail from nexus on NMM first, as i already download the "new version" from this wrong site.. I run Avira right now and i hope nothing get broken or something. What are the dangers now? Can I do something about it? Uninstall the wrong one and install NMM new from skyrim nexus wouldnt bring anything right?


Remove the one you have, run virus and security scans, make sure that your system is clean, then install NMM from this site.


We do not host NMM on other sites, so if it is not from Nexus site itself, you should not use it.

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In response to post #15592155.

Nice.. For some reasons, it shut downs my steam now. Missing steam.dll files now.. #
I read, that the cause of this steam errors are connected with damaged files from a virus or malware. Maybe the virus shut it down now, cus it happens right after the wrong "update" from NMM.. T__T
I think i try the things u said. ^^ So i uninstall NMM download it after the clean programms here from the nexus site new? But when im trying to download it form here, it is again from the black tree lmd. :I
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Dark0ne and team, I've been a user of Nexus for some time now and I'd just like to thank you for keeping as tight a site as you can, for your regular updates like this, and for all the work you put in. It's a great community and 99.9% of it is fantastic. Shame about the tiny bit of rot that seeps in but I know you are on the ball.


Thank you from a long time member!

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