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Another note on site security, your security, and a malware email doing the rounds


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Very cool, Thanks for the update. Perhaps there is a pattern with who got an email from you telling people to auto update? For instance I never received one so maybe it has to do with a certain file or section of the site only? But I also do not use NMM.



Did everyone who uses it get an email?

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@Salizar. Only a small percentage of our users got the email. But it's possible that it was automatically blocked as spam on a lot more. Note that a small percentage of 7 million is still quite a few. :blush:

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If anyone has fallen for this by downloading from the outside source, then they shouldn't be allowed to use the interwebs... That's such a duuurrrrr obvious move. But yeah, obviously personal information has been gleaned so bad news...
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Uh oh, here comes the virus that the NSA warned us about! ( And possibly made! )


They said that "We have found a virus that a hacker has released somewhere in America. We have tried our best to hold it off, however we can only manage for a week. It will get all of the e-mail addresses stored on your computer and send the virus to them all.", or soemthing like that.

Edited by IntelligentTurtle
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