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Stupid HGEC!!!


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Set Adult filter to on, beside according to your profile you aren't even old enough to set it off, and if you come across a adult suff (while your filter is on), report it to the admin or mods.


I kinda agree with you.............enough is enough........Tesnexus got more bikini than medieval armour :rolleyes:

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I use HGEC and my characters extremely rarely ever wear skimpy clothes. I do like to dress them in bathing suits for swimming and shorts and short skirts when in summer climates, but I use enhanced weather and Dalls Bruma so I have a lot of wintry cold places where they need to dress warmly.


And I really get sick of the complaints from people who are too lazy to sift through all the stuff that's not to their taste.


There are plenty of houses, weapons, mounts, tweaks, quests, creatures, overhauls, enchantments, cities, villages, castles, landscapes, races, textures, and miscellany of all sorts that is not to my taste, but you don't see me throwing a tantrum over it.

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I was just download some armor mod and i was looking for more but on the other pages are ALL F***ING HGEC HGEC THERE HGEC HERE IM SICK OF IT! And i Think it shoud BE STOPPED!



Before making any acusations I would start to actualy look for the files I want. HGEC is just a body mod, It can't be stupid or idiot. It works just fine for thousands of people so calling it stupid is an insult to all of them. You should apologize first for your behavior and hope you won't get banned. Also, check my list. It has most of the male armour mods and the most popular/good female mods I used. No one is going to stop making such mods just becouse you asked to, try to understand that. These people share what they do becouse they want to and no one is giving them something for doing so. Enjoy your stay here and try to be reasonable and calm. ;)




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I use HGEC and my characters extremely rarely ever wear skimpy clothes. I do like to dress them in bathing suits for swimming and shorts and short skirts when in summer climates, but I use enhanced weather and Dalls Bruma so I have a lot of wintry cold places where they need to dress warmly.

Yes, but the problem is that 90/100 of clothes made for HGEC are "skimpy" :confused:

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