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Voice actors needed (RATE THIS STORY LINE)


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I need about 5-10 voice actors to carry out my diologue. The dialogue will be emailed to you once you are selected.

Please fill out the follow and pm me answering these.


Gender type-

Pitch of the voice(Ex.Deep)




Also looking for experienced scripters for some misc.

Rate the story line and put in what you would like to see.

Exterior and interior work almost finished.


One year after your return to vault 101 the super mutants have finally broken into your home turf (Vault 101). The militia group (L.E.G.I.O.N) have been pushed back underground by the super mutants. It is up to your to re-claim your home turf and bring back peace to vault 101. Help L.E.G.I.O.N Soldiers and vault 101 security overpower the super mutant threat.


This mod will bring you back to vault 101 and you will be able to explore parts of the vault you never got to explore before. It will add hours of exclusive gameplay. If you are intrested helping with the project please send me a PM. All of the interior and extorior parts of this mod have been fully created and is currently being cluttered.


Thank you for your intrest.

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Why do groups/factions always have to have some silly abbreviation like in this case L.E.G.I.O.N? Otherwise sounds like a nice and interesting story. But please make the "voices" an optional download package! I mean not to be rude or to disencourage anyone from doing the voices but for the love of God and my Vindicator "Mr 4.7" Minigun make the voices an optional package! (Anyone who has ever heard bloody awful interwebz voice actors know what I mean)
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I suggest you leave the voice actors for last. You came on here a week or so ago asking very basic modding questions so why get voice actors spun up for something that's still a long, long way off?

Also, you might not want to be so picky about the actors you "select" when most mods don't get voiced at all.

Your storyline is OK. Vaults and military forces are not particularly original if you ask me. It will depend on your execution.

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I suggest you leave the voice actors for last. You came on here a week or so ago asking very basic modding questions so why get voice actors spun up for something that's still a long, long way off?

Also, you might not want to be so picky about the actors you "select" when most mods don't get voiced at all.

Your storyline is OK. Vaults and military forces are not particularly original if you ask me. It will depend on your execution.


I modded games and maps for DFBHD and joint operations (In which are much harder) it isnt as easy as fallout 3's click and drag method etc, Its actually using coordinates and x-y-z locations. You probaly should ask my history of modding before you take your old veteran ass and start talking poo because you've been modding bethesda games since you was a little girl.

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I suggest you leave the voice actors for last. You came on here a week or so ago asking very basic modding questions so why get voice actors spun up for something that's still a long, long way off?

Also, you might not want to be so picky about the actors you "select" when most mods don't get voiced at all.

Your storyline is OK. Vaults and military forces are not particularly original if you ask me. It will depend on your execution.


I modded games and maps for DFBHD and joint operations (In which are much harder) it isnt as easy as fallout 3's click and drag method etc, Its actually using coordinates and x-y-z locations. You probaly should ask my history of modding before you take your old veteran ass and start talking poo because you've been modding bethesda games since you was a little girl.


Come on, please be polite. Quetzlsacatanango is absolutely right, what's with all the aggressiveness. Possibility of getting free voice acting for mods 1/1000 or even zero. Anyway, voice acting is of least importance in a mod. Get your mod done first and release a beta without the voice acting, if it's a success like some of the other quests/adventure mods, I'm sure people would put more interest into helping out, even with the voice acting.

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I suggest you leave the voice actors for last. You came on here a week or so ago asking very basic modding questions so why get voice actors spun up for something that's still a long, long way off?

Also, you might not want to be so picky about the actors you "select" when most mods don't get voiced at all.

Your storyline is OK. Vaults and military forces are not particularly original if you ask me. It will depend on your execution.


I modded games and maps for DFBHD and joint operations (In which are much harder) it isnt as easy as fallout 3's click and drag method etc, Its actually using coordinates and x-y-z locations. You probaly should ask my history of modding before you take your old veteran ass and start talking poo because you've been modding bethesda games since you was a little girl.


Come on, please be polite. Quetzlsacatanango is absolutely right, what's with all the aggressiveness. Possibility of getting free voice acting for mods 1/1000 or even zero. Anyway, voice acting is of least importance in a mod. Get your mod done first and release a beta without the voice acting, if it's a success like some of the other quests/adventure mods, I'm sure people would put more interest into helping out, even with the voice acting.


This is true, I just get raged when people come in to a post thinking they know all of these things and dont take a second look on how its gonna bother another person. Your right I will get the mod done first. My apologies.

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