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How Do You Play?


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How do YOU play?


NOTE!!!!...may contain spoilers


This a simple forum game or poll as some may think of it whatever


anyway the point is to pick a number from the list below on how you play Fallout 3 then you describe in a nutshell how you go about the entire game if you do not see your style listed you may pick 0 then your way to play!(CHOOSE ALL THAT APPLY)


1. SNEAKY-This may consist of playing the game by being an evil trickster or just playing in a sense of sneaking around in combat or to places your nose shouldnt be in.


2. STRAIGHT-FORWARD-This is the method you would use if you prefer to just get through things you got an attitude for finishing what you started and be done with it.


3. DRIFTER-If your a drifter you tend to hang around do what you need and leave to loiter around elsewhere.


4. DEMON-Wow! sense you came out the vualt the wastes were your playground not much can be said about this except...(If you had the most evil possible karma within 1 hour of play-time and you made the evil game changing decisions ex. blowing up megaton,saving yourself at the end, ect. this may be you).


5. SAINT-Reverse DEMON


6. BESSERKER-You are full of rage and the only thing that satisfies you is pounding your way through your problems.


7. ASSASIN-Your a sneaky one and seemingly harmless little one and you most likley choose evil paths but you did in a way where nobody turned on you for it.


8. NORMAL-You kept neutral and stayed mostly solo looking out for #1.


9. PSYCO-You get a kick out of killing all but not only that you dont stop til all the limbs are ripped of you psyco you.


10. DRUG-ADDICT-For this you most likley played the game by boostin yo game with tha jet!(or any other drug)


11. SAME OLD SAME OLD-For this you most likley have a save file with over 24 hours of play time and you havent finished the game!


12. MOD JUNKIE!!!!-35+ in use mods


13. PERV-Come on...admit it do you use the nude mods?:P


14. AA-You use ALOT of booze.


15. TGM-You use GOD MODE


16. SLAVER-Are you a slaver?


17. THEIF-The game revolves around your abilities to steal; need some caps? rivet cities market hold a good bit:)


18. WHAT WEAPON-(just pick out of energy,pistol,rifles, ect. you use !!if you use all dont pick this one!!)


19. MEDIC-Why see a doctor when you can do it yourself?


20. WUSS-You always use help when you can get some(easily persuaded you didnt bother with explanations just agreed with people that are stronger then you


21. SNIPER-You dont leave home without your sniper on a quick change key:)(may mix with sneaky)


22. POINT BLANK-Melee freak


23. NOT THIS AGAIN-Beaten main quests over 5 times.


24. TALKER-You listen to all speech dielogs when talking to people


25. PACK RAT-Always had alot of stuff you didnt need(in home, carrying around, w/e)


26. GHOUL-You played as or helped the ghouls throughout the game.


27. BIGOT-.....Ghoul hater


28. BEEN THERE DONE THAT-Beat EVERY!!! main quest AND!!! side quest in Fallout 3!


29. MERCHANT-Keep what ya need sell what ya dont!


30. O.ver D.ose-jeez...got 100+ mods in use?










STRAIGHT FORWARD+SNEAKY(they just cant mix if your truly sneaky)

SAINT+(anything that involves bad karma)















I play the game in a way i think it was meant to be played. I play the game slowly and tend to stay on one file that i may have taken half way through the storyline and stoped because....**sobs** here it comes i only have the pitt and operation anchorage....its true i have 3200 microsoft points but i wanted them for more mw2 map packs plus i might get GOTY edition for all my systems considering i sold my 360 version but anyway back to the point of this. I think that finishing the storyline is a waste unless you have broken steel because no matter how many times you play you always have things to do(or at least on the pc version you do). So i tend to play with mods and spice up the game so i get a more emursive experience with the game and my traits pretty much say the rest lol so my weapons of choice is anything energy but sometimes i get a modded weapon and i use it up:)

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Well, I think I have a category for you: SNIPER. This may or may not necessarily be sneaky, as the first shot (and hopefully the last shot) is done in hiding, but if you mess up you have to bust out the shotty or the assault rifle to finish things. This isn't necessarily restricted to the sniper rifle, as you can snipe with other weapons or download more sniper-rifle like mods (such as Scoped Ol' Painless and the scoped Backwater Rifle). Which brings me to a definite match: MOD-JUNKIE. I am a modaholic; I'm over 100 running ESPs now. My friend and associate in WMMP, Ebby, says it's a good day if he can keep his loadout under 200. Then SAME OLD SAME OLD. I'm actually considering just not doing the main quests in my saves, simply because I hate coming to the end of the story and find that pre-synthesis tension to be savory.
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Well, I think I have a category for you: SNIPER. This may or may not necessarily be sneaky, as the first shot (and hopefully the last shot) is done in hiding, but if you mess up you have to bust out the shotty or the assault rifle to finish things. This isn't necessarily restricted to the sniper rifle, as you can snipe with other weapons or download more sniper-rifle like mods (such as Scoped Ol' Painless and the scoped Backwater Rifle). Which brings me to a definite match: MOD-JUNKIE. I am a modaholic; I'm over 100 running ESPs now. My friend and associate in WMMP, Ebby, says it's a good day if he can keep his loadout under 200. Then SAME OLD SAME OLD. I'm actually considering just not doing the main quests in my saves, simply because I hate coming to the end of the story and find that pre-synthesis tension to be savory.



Nice its been added along with others and i feel like i need a new mod catagory for your number lol

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I don't pigeonhole myself into any one category. ;)


Blaze says...

To some I may be a saint. I'm sure the residents of Megaton are glad I disarmed that bomb. Except Lucy West, who thinks I'm an turkey. I got news for her. She's the turkey. I'm just a twelve year old girl out of a vault. Those Brotherhood people got it right: I'm a rookie in the wasteland. And the Raiders. Well, they must think I'm some sort of fire-breathing demon. I don't care though what everyone thinks. I'm just looking for my dad, but most of all, trying to survive.


She's sneaky, recognizes the value of taking out foes from a distance (sniper), but also likes to get in close (might as well bepoint blank) to use her favorite weapons: anything that sets stuff on fire. Not quite Saint, but not quite demon either, she saved Megaton, but refused to help the Arefu residents. She promised Agatha she'd get that violin for her, but hasn't gotten around to it yet. She told Three Dog she'd get the dish for him, but now that she's found a better lead on dear old dad, she probably won't bother. And poor Brian Wilks, although safe from fire-breathing ants, is still alone in Greyditch, perhaps forgotten...

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I'm a sexy, sneaky, bigotted Mod junkie that never leaves home without my wicked sniper rifle and assorted energy weapons and I've been there and done that and have the T-shirt to prove it !
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Lol Ive played the game so many different ways XD


But the current character I'm using now is a..




Hes a bad ass Adventurer who goes around scavying the wasteland in search of Prewar tech, and wasteland treasures. like most of yall I neeever use fast travel, use mods that add weight to my ammo so Im not carryin 500 rounds, and I make the game extremely hard. He's pretty much a Protegee of Tinker Joe's using Eyebot, and Mr. Gutsy companions instead of humans for back up.

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like most of yall I neeever use fast travel,

Huh? I don't understand what people have against fast travel. Its likes have been a feature of RPGs since Baldur's Gate 1, if not before. I find it essential.

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