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How Do You Play?


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I am sniper, sneaky, and berserker. When I left my Expiremental MIRV at home, I get out my trench knife, and a plasma grenade, and before you know it, some raider has a surprise between there thighs... And when I invade the Talon company base, I go sniper and pick em off one by one with the gauss. And on the day's where I spill my soda on myself, (Not paying attention to the trajectory of my hand) I go beserk and whipe everyone off the map!.!. Good time's, good times.



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Pack rat would apply, Saint probably as my karma's usually up high, definitely drifting, and sniper.


Tend to just leave my house in megaton wearing one of the merc outfits and the Xuanlong and hunting rifle, with the stealth suit+mines, gauss and tesla cannon as backups for when I run into stuff like overlords that require a more direct approach.


Tend to return after 30 minutes wearing power armor or talon armors, with miniguns and that stuff, with the rest filled with high quality repaired items that I never get around to sell and weapon parts that I never get to create.


Then all I do is exploring or doing miniquests and such :P Did complete the game (BS) last week, but I've been sporadically playing it for over a year now and I wasn't exactly in a hurry to do so :P

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I am new to this website, but not to Fallout 3, i have seen tons of downloads i would love to download, like the skimpy armor lol, but do you have to have Fallout 3 for the pc? or can you use these files for the x-box 360 version too? I only have the x-box 360 one right now. :confused: :wallbash:
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Short answer: mods don't work on the 360.

Long answer: mods don't work on the 360 unless you're willing to do a lot of work and a lot of research and STILL most likely not get the mod to work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Mods on console are an abomination. Almost as much as ports to PC.




My playstyle is drifter. I like to hang around places, just for gits and shiggles. I'm not a saint or demon, however, as while I defused the Megaton bomb, I enjoyed pushing Mister Lopez off the bridge tower in Rivet City.

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Earlier in all game parts (F1, F2, Tactics, then F3) I played as Saint + Light Weapons (later Energy Weapons, at higher levels) + Talker (better words than bullets) + Merchant (there is a lot to sell even if you're a Saint). I liked to be a good one :) Now I don't care about carma so much - I want to see all sides. Weapons are the same. I've never used Heavy Weapons :) maybe I should some day?



Sorry for incorrect naming for weapon types - I forgot their English names :/

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