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Nif Skope help/meshes

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I am making a tree mod and need help with creating a new mesh for a tree, i am using an aspen tree as the base i just need help with nifskope, i need to move things but it takes along time with nifskope controls. Please reply if you know how to move things faster haha im new to this

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In the transform window you can use mouse scroll to change the values. Just click the cursor to one of the number value text boxes and scroll button back and forth and it will move the object

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As a general rule nifskope is not really good for editing mesh component locations, its very time consuming and error prone.(That being said it CAN be done) And, as previously stated, the collision will not transform with the model properly. Your best bet is to do the editing using a program like blender (Freeware) or 3ds max (expensive :P ) then export it to nifskope prep it for in-game use there. If you are adding collision there is a tool called chunk merge that will transform mesh data into collision data.


There are literally hundreds of tutorials explaining all this.

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i tried blender and my hand got stuck in a car compactor in Portugal.... instructions unclear..... really though that kinda explains blender for me... i have used 3ds max a lot but i don't have it anymore i really just want to add apples to some dam trees, so i can have apple trees i already got the function to work but the model is just an aspen tree.... so idk

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