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my face is gone


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So today i used the console to change my sex to female, when i changed it my face vanished, i was wearing the hood from the DB, even after i changed my character back to male he still doenst have a face! is there a console command to open the face editor or anything else that would work.
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Erm - don't use the console commands to change your race or appaerance in game. Baaaad ideaaz. Buggy as hell that. Usually kills/breaks your stats, amongst other things. If you absolutely HAVE to, don't close the race menu. Save the game with it still open and exit, then load the save. But I'll warn you now that still ain't bug free.


The command is "showracemenu" or something like that. Use with EXTREME care.


Ideally, you should destroy that save (lest it becomes corrupt) and just roll back to a save before you changed the toon's sex though.

And like I said... DON'T CLOSE THE RACE MENU... Save your game with it open and then quit the game and load that save. Can't emphasise this enough.



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Here's a couple tips about using the showracemenu command.


Once it's up, you can close the console and mess with the character. Changing the race will invariably destroy your character as it resets to its original stats. Messing with the face is fine. Changing gender may or may not screw it up. Not sure.


Once you're done doing whatever it is you were doing, bring the console back up. This step is very important. While the console is still up, save your game in a new slot. That way you can back up to an older one in case something goes wrong.


Now that the game is saves, load into your new save file while the console is still up. Good to go.

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NOT TRUE. When I do this, if I change anything so much as my face, any little thing at all, it completely alters my stats. I only use showracemenu, showbirthsignmenu or showclassmenu at the very beginning of the game when I don't care about my stats. I don't recommend any of them.
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