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Site down-time today - resolved


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The site was down today for a couple of hours between 4pm and 6pm GMT while some critical forum tables (both the posts and topics) were repaired. The fixes have now been made and I've also discovered a much, much faster way of resolving this issue in the future. All's good then.
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"Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Too many connections in /home/fallout3/public_html/includes/mysql.php on line 6

The Site MySQL database is currently down. This problem normally sorts itself very quickly. Please come back a little later."



WTF? Overloaded or its a DoS?



P.S.: Nice avatar! My old friend Kenji....

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Thanks, but it is another issue.


If I download any file, it weight 0 bytes and (sure thing) can't open.


Can you fix it?


Thanks for the quick solving.


EDIT: I checked this. Only failing small files. Big files (with mirror) are working correctly.


EDIT2: Solved by myself. We need to use a mirror if we want to download. We can do this changing the "file" word in the link for "fs4"












I hope this help, if anybody has the same problem.

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Am having issues accessing the fallout 3 nexus site. Am able to get intermittent access but it keeps coming up with "Internet Explorer cannot display webpage" Nothing else wrong with any other webpages I visit. I can get to eldar scrolls nexus fine as well. Any ideas?


Tried the troubleshooter. It says the webpage is online but is not responding to connection attempts

Edited by GeneralHappyPie
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