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what is requiem/


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Requiem is a gameplay overhaul which strives to make Skyrim more 'realistic'... Or something. Frankly, i find it to be frustrating, full of silly misconceptions and totally inferior to SkyRe in every way. But some people enjoy it, so it's at least worth checking out.

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As all gameplay overhaul goes, it attempts to redefine Skyrim to how the author thinks it should play out. Some find it very appealing, some turn to SkyRe, and others to a set of independent mods that work together to create a gameplay that fits their taste. It's somewhat flexible with its modules, but not as flexible as using different mods to change gameplay.

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Let me Google that for you...


I'll even Google the other one for you, too.


I'm in the "assemble your own overhaul" camp, personally. I find SkyRe tries to do too much and conflicts with far too many mods; SPERG is far too arbitrary in how it applies some of its new mechanics and ideas, and Requiem is just... well. I have no nice words for Requiem, so I'll just leave it at that.

Edited by Hyacathusarullistad
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