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Expecting amazing performance out of a free or ad-driven service is simply not realistic. Download speed caps, especially during a time of abnormally heavy load, should not cause a riot among free users. Being one of the thousands of Steam Summer Sale users flooding the site should be obvious that it's compounding a problem where one may not exist normally.


I've never had a problem with speed on Nexus, not even now. I'm not upset that servers stop responding sometimes, especially under heavy stress periods. The thing the bothers me is when I can't attempt to work around the problem, and know that the longer it sits processing zero requests, the more users pile up wanting to get through and setting the stage for the next server meltdown.

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In response to post #15968200.

Ah, it's just people not having an idea what they're talking about doing this so far. Those who do have an idea know better. Don't mind them, neither do I. When they know what they're talking about, they can come back and we can discuss.

I'm working in the server business on large-scale applications myself in my job, so 'I' know what it needs to keep this network operational, and I also know for a fact 'they' don't, going by their statements and the points they bring up.

I've never had a problem with speed on Nexus myself either, and I already was a member before it was the Nexus. Though maybe that's only because I'm biased by my own knowledge about the topic. Maybe these days you 'need' to be ridiculously unrealistic in your expectations in order to be a true user of a free service?... I simply can't though.

It's refreshing to see at least some people with a grasp posting in these news posts for a change lately.
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In response to post #15956080.

You get a Salt Lake server becase all of the UK ones are overloaded at that particular time. The alternative would be to give you an error saying: "We're sorry, your european servers are overloaded, try again" but a lot of users would be way less happy with that.
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In response to post #15940985. #15943120, #15944040, #15946380 are all replies on the same post.

What difference makes if we give you an error message immediately or a list of "busy" server that are not clickable/usable anyway?
The reason why you get the error is because ALL of the servers are at 100% usage. You *cannot* choose another server manually. *All* of them are at 100% load because of the steam sales.
I'm constantly increasing the number of slots available to each server but every time I increase that number the server is one step nearer a painful death due to memory being exhausted and swapping.
I'm sorry we are having technical difficulties due to the high load, but I guarantee you there's nothing you would be able to do with a manual download list compared to what the automatic download offers you right now.
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No servers available at this time


That's all i ever get, do premium members get this problem?

Might just make the jump as it doesn't cost too much.

I didn't used to have this problem until recently, lately it's been pretty common. The steam sales going on probably aren't helping, I'm sure.

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In response to post #15997615.

Premium members use dedicated servers so they don't suffer from this problem if they choose the premium servers as their default location.
I sent a patch a few minutes ago, though, and this should help with the "No servers available at this time" problem. Hopefully you will not see that message anymore.
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