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I love the new endorsement changes, there has been an explosion of endorsements lately on my biggest mod..


Thank you for reminding people!

Edited by Foaman
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In response to post #15733640.

You should not be seeing the endorsement reminder every time you use the Nexus, unless you've set your endorsement reminder timer to "1 day" and you only visit the Nexus once a day...

If you are seeing it more than once a day then let us know because that's a bug.
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In response to post #15727915. #15732745 is also a reply to the same post.

This was "broken" by us intentionally as it turned out the system we were using in order for the arrow keys to work required that the user preload ALL the thumbnail images in the file page. If a file had 300 images then each time someone loaded the file page it would download all 300 thumbnails. Bad for us, bad for you.

It won't be coming back.
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Thank you to the team for the new great features like "endorsement reminder" (I am sorry concerning the mods I forgot to endorse after downloading) and the possibility to choose servers (location) for download.
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Wow !!

Nice system now for endorsements, Was wondering why my last mod bump from 135 to 235 endorsements in one night ! here is the response.

It also remind me how many mods I forgot to endorse... so , Just did it !!

A great simple and effective feature !


Thanks !

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I'd like to report that I've noticed a significant increase in endorsements on my mods with the new endorsement changes.


Thank-you Dark0ne and your team... keep-up the good work.

Edited by Carah
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The new endorsement system is certainly convenient, but I do wonder if it devalues the endorsements.


In the old system, users had to remember to endorse and had to make an effort to go to the relevant page. it was a nuisance, and led to low endorsement rates, but it did mean that if someone took the trouble to do that then they probably really liked the mod in question.


Now though, how many endorsements are going to be the result of someone pressing the button to get the pop-up to go away? How many times are people going to think 'sure, why not?' and click the button because it's easy and not because they've really thought about whether the mod deserves the endorsement?


In the past I've looked to the endorsement rate to help me assess whether a mod is something I want to try; I'm not sure that it's going to be that helpful in future.

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Thanks for the improvements! SMIM did see a huge 1,000+ endorsement increase (maybe 5% total endorsement increase) since this implementation. Not that I follow SMIM endorsements too closely, but SMIM like some of the other larger mods tends to have a crazy-low ratio of endorsements to unique downloads (1.8% of unique downloads, SkyUI having 2.4% and USKP having 2.2%).


Anyway, thanks for the wonderful site!

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