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Excuse me, but I can not quite understand the problem:

if I like something and I use it, then I can also give an endorsement.

If i do not like it, then I do not use it and also need not give an endorsment. It's that simple.



Reminder is a great thing and I am in any case for that!

Edited by testingone
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The new endorsement reminder is such a great thing for us mod authors, so thanks again for adding it! On a similar note, is there something that can maybe be added in the future to make people more aware when mods are updated? Like something on the order of the latest files on the main page (maybe further down)?
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I find the endorsement reminder annoying because what is when you want to try out a mod that's in your language what is not what you exactly want but you don't hate the mod no you just realized by trying it out it's not what you want you can't even deactivate the endorsement remind for it because it ask you do you want to endorse the translation of the main mod what ever you click you still get reminded of endorsing this mod. Turn off reminder option would be nice
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In response to post #15666235. #15674740, #15676525, #15677865, #15678330 are all replies on the same post.

And it's exactly what I said as well. The initial report spoke of "a small issue with the new abstaining endorsement feature" and that the mods with disabled ratings cannot be "abstained".

I just put it into the right relation and said, if it was working correctly, you shouldn't even have to make the choice, so it isn't an issue with only abstaining but rather the rating-disabled mods listed in the reminder popup to begin with.

We're all on the same line here. And it was already fixed by now, according to Dark0ne's post. ;)
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In response to post #15687170.

Can't you just "abstain" from endorsing it instead? That's what abstain is for, it should turn off the reminder for this specific mod, nothing else. And if it's really too intrusive for you, you can still just turn off the reminder itself at any time in your preferences.
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Thanks a lot for the hard work, Dark One! I especially like the new "Abstain" functionality, it is easier this way to trak files I haven't endorsed yet because I simply forgot to ;)
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It sounds to me that, by going to a "Geographic Area" when doing a manual download, you have done away with Premium Servers (one the main reasons I bought a premium membership). I never had more than a 5-second wait for a premium server; now I sit twiddling my thumbs for 2-3 minutes or longer. I don't think you should change a product that people have paid for.


Also, the whole "required" endorsement/non-endorsement thing... Again, you are subtly forcing people to make a decision. Now honestly, how many folks are going to refuse to endorse a mod they are using when the mandatory choice is shoved in your face? That's like a little Girl Scout knocking on your door with cookies... you don't want the damn things, but you sure aren't going to hurt that little girl's feelings. I read further down in the post about one dude who has shown an 1800% endorsement increase since you started this... again how many people that use his mod, but find it mediocre at best, are going to refuse to endorse it when they are forced to make a decision? It seems you are guilting people into endorsing and skewing the real-life numbers. Now some dude that uploads a save-game is going to have a percentage of endorsements that masters like Chesko and Isoku enjoy. Not a great idea, in my opinion.

Edited by KensaiTonada
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In response to post #15687170. #15687460, #15696120 are all replies on the same post.

No when it is a translation i click on abstein and it ask me if i want to endorse the original mad or only the translation but at the next time it's again there to remind me. I tried to look if i can deactivate it but i don't know witch option it is or i disabled it but it doesn't work Edited by TheKingslojalSoldir
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