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Site updates: stability, premium donations, endorsements, downloading, apostrophes and full-stops


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.....Beware Wall Post...


So sorry if the post is a bit "big".... From my side of view which I believe I am a common player I want to thank all of you "the moders, the site, You" for all your efforts to make our games much much better.


a) About a month ago we silently released an update to the "Donations" system that now allows users to donate Premium Membership to other members on the site. At the time I wanted to write a big news post about it but I just didn't have the time, so now I've got to try and be concise within this news post.

Where before you could only donate direct money to a mod author there's now a second option to "Buy Premium membership for this user" on the user's profile and when using the "Donate" button on file pages.

The Premium Membership system is an unfortunate necessary evil. Without it I just couldn't afford to pay the server bills in this day and age of adblockers and diminishing advertising revenues. I hate asking people for money, or relying on it, so when people willingly share it with me I want to make sure they're looked after as much as possible.


a.q--> I get the occasional lifetime member ask me if there's a way they can donate more money to the site. This is the way you can do that while also giving back to your favourite mod authors or users on the site. And thank you. <---


a.q) Still the question is valid and if we can help also with any other way Please let us know.


b) Endorsement changes

To begin with we've added added an endorsement reminder pop-up to the sites.

There's a consensus among some mod authors (probably not a majority) that if you've downloaded a mod you should endorse it. I disagree with this philosophy. Because endorsements on the site are seen as a positive rating against a file it doesn't go that just because you've downloaded a file you think it's worth endorsing the file.


b) I like the reminded system for the Endorsement and i find it useful because sometimes we download a mod and as we test it playing the game we or I should say forget to endorse it after although it is a hell great mod.


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thanks for all your hard work team. the endorsement reminder is very useful. gave some to which I had forgotten. very practical.


thanks again.


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In response to post #15704125. #15721565 is also a reply to the same post.

Yes a remind later would be a good idea for any of us who've downloaded a mod, but haven't tried it out yet (maybe its a new body mod... but no armors have been converted to it yet so we really can't try it out like we want to for a full game of start to whatever level), or we're on the fence because we've got so many mods that we can't try it without the game crashing on us.

Or usually in some cases, we're curious and want to get it now, just incase we forget later to try in a future point in time. Maybe if we've had the mod installed at least once we might get a reminder like a "Hey, what do you think of this mod so far?" It'd help strike a compromise between the mod authors and the end users so we can bridge the gap a little more.
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I love the new endorsement reminder in the download window! I always mean to go back and endorse files, and I forget half the time. Hadn't used the site in a while, and I'm really blown away by all the improvements. You guys rock! Keep up the great work.
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I've just tried to donate premium membership and the "certificate is invalid". Tried with both Safari and Explorer. Given the recent security concerns I wanted to bring this to your attention in case something is amiss. Please advise?
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I've got an issue that's been around for about 6-8 months. When I first started browsing the mods, i could use the arrow keys to switch back and forth between the images and after the first three, it continued onwards in the gallery. Now, if I click an image and use the arrow keys from the gallery, it restarts to the first image and doesn't do anything if I press the arrow keys. It was a nifty feature that I *really* liked.


Can we bring that back? I doubt it's a problem with my browser's cache as I do clean it out, and i doubt it's a problem with my browser in general (i haven't used IE in...god...years... Don't have chrome or safari.)

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Now rising in the minority opinion, I am not into the new nags on endorsements. I sometimes download everything new for that day with no intention of adding any of it to my game until the beginning of the next play-thru. It just saves me time when I do want to start a new character. I do look at my installed mods in NMM frequently, to see which ones I use that are not endorsed. If I like them, I click on them and endorse them through the site. I am getting, shall we say frequent "reminders" (read : nag messages - I can almost see the wagging finger) about the same files now every time I use the Nexus. I'm against it. I do endorse the mods that I like. Remember, I acknowledged that this would be the minority opinion. Thanks for letting me share it.


BTW, LOVE the Nexus. Thanks for all y'all do.

Edited by MrKit
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