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Slow time Hotkey mod?


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Hi, I'm looking for a slow time hotkey mod like the one I used to have.


The one I used to have was a mod that let you toggle slow time by clicking the middle mouse button. It caused everything except the player to slow down to a crawl like nothing was moving at all.


The mod I used was taken down by anano, the author.


Link to previous mod I used which is no longer available: http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/25914/?


Does anyone have or could somehow make me a mod like this?

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I made a mod which hopefully will provide some of what you're looking for. Can be found here.


Includes options for how much to slow down the game, down to 2% of normal speed. If this isn't slow enough, or if you have other suggestions, I can add more. Tried finding a way to stop the player from being slowed down as well like what happens in the slow time dragon shout, but no luck. Hopefully you can still get some enjoyment out of it.



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