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Bunch of idea's


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(stuff marked in Red has already been resolved in one way or another - IM with questions if you want)


Okay, here's some idea's I have. I actually have more, but these idea's just happen at the MOST random moments of the day, its hard for me to keep remembering them.


Custom gun


Okay, first things first, yes I know thats a vague name.

But CRI squad and 187_gurlz have inspired me for this idea.


So, the CRI Squad mod has this pistol where you get an aid item to attach a silencer.

Psi from 187_Gurlz has a m16 variant (don't hold me on that name) where you can command her to attach or remove stuff.


See, this is something I'd like too. A whole weapon system. Preferrably starting with a m16 or m4 variant, and a ak-74 variant too.

And perhaps some pistols too...Anyway, you get the point, right?

(again, don't hold me on those names)


Now, I know what this'll take.

This'll take making a gun version for EVERY variant.

But come on, once a mod like this gets done, I believe I won't be using much other guns at all anymore.

Who will?


Special God Mode


This title even describes it worse.

Lately, I've come to despise the God-mode cheat in games.

Not for the sake of cheating - I use VATS then consolekill Muties who caught me at a bad time :P.

Thing is, Fallout 3 is a big game. Takes alot of my CPU or whatever, and I end up crashing alot, especially with all my mods.

(I'm already working on that guys, no worries)

But I still love the realistic stress around losing. And I don't want to sell off all that food just because I can't lose health...


The times I almost can guarantee a crash is when I load a game. Now, with my recent mod-cleaning work, this has gotten better, but loading a savegame that was in a big open space has still a big chance.

So long story short, I hate dieing, but I don't hate losing.

So what I did, was used console to make my character Essential, this way circumventing Auto-load.

Thing is, the AI probably has to do something to escape unconscious mode, because my char isn't waking up.

And when I use resurrect 1 (don't wanna use resurrect for fear of losing inventory), the animation gets kinda weird.

This for an NPC you fix with trading equipment or something with them...well, thing is, I dunno if this'll work myself too.

Either way, I find it too annoying to use console like that.


What I want is that, if I die, I go unconscious. For maybe a longer period then NPC's.

This'll make the value of a companion raise too.

Also, I assume escaping unconscious doesn't affect limbs, right? Now, I know that the AI tends to shoot an already losing NPC, so going unconscious will still have a penalty since your limbs will suffer. (like dieing in Fable 2 makes you lose all ungatherred exp and get a scar)


Something else I'll gladly settle for, and this inspiration I got from Borderlands, is that you'd, upon death, teleport back somewhere.

Its probably not a big problem to let a script calculate a percentage of cost from your caps for this service.


new Enclave Commander


Okay, 'word on the streets' is that this mod is dead. Creator won't work further on it.

But I got the idea, so lets get it over with lol.


Imo, having Enclave Commander from the start is very game-breaking when you aim for some realism or something.

I mean, I love the idea to command these forces, but when I'm fresh out of the vault, I'm not sure this feels appropriate.


So, a balance between realism and EC-fun is needed, and Quests are a great way to have things tidily set-up.

So I thought of this:


When you first start out, you've got nothing. No troops, nothing.

Now, in the Wastelands, you meet a guy or something, who has a Vertibird.

Make friends etc...maybe give that Vertibird a paintjob so it doesn't look too Enclave-ish. Sake of realism, y'know.


Now, several points in the main quest line will give you different kinds of troops.

  • Saving Megaton will give you some weak-like troops with weak weapons.
  • If you blow Megaton up, you'll get the same equipped people, but with more posh outfits.
  • Doing something big for Rivet City will give you the Rivet City security.
  • Doing the main quest line (or somewhere near, lets keep the non-Broken Steel users in mind) will give you the BoS if you do it in the Good way
  • Doing the Broken Steel main Questline will let your BoS buddies have better equipment, again, in the good way. (aka lvl 2 BoS)
  • Causing the FEV poisoning will give you the Enclave soldiers instead.
  • Unrelated to above, if you finish Broken Steel in the bad way, you'll get lvl 2 Enclave
  • Doing a whole lot for the Raiders or something (or maybe a NEW Questline for this) will get you raiders.
  • Doing the Pitt in favor of the raider boss will get you lvl 2 raiders, or if you do this one first and then do the Wasteland-raiders the above-said favor, will get you lvl2. y'know, stackable or something.
  • A big quest to make Reilly's Ranger alot more popular (and perhaps expand their HQ) would allow you to have these too.
  • The Operation Anchorage optional version of EC already requires the DLC, so after doing the simulation, wait a long time, (maybe a week/month?) will create a new faction or something in the spirit of "Anchorage Purists" or something. A short Questline of some sort to gain their favor and you'll have them too.
  • Let us not forget the outcasts! A custom Questline will probably be in order to get these guys...
  • Anyone remember the "MERC -Combat Currency" mod? Great idea, but perhaps buggy for some? Would be the first custom faction!


Besides that, seeing the list, that's a whole lot of new factions...

So some will odd out the other. Say, if you've got BoS, the raiders will stop doing the service for you or something...

Combing Outcast-BoS-Enclave is a given that they won't mix.


But, with more idea's coming, a pre-set max should work too.

You can have maximum 2-5 factions ready at your disposal. (I'd go for 3)

Talking to your pilot, or to faction leaders, will let you set up what ones you want ready.


Next is something MERC inspired me on.

A base. I mean, I really miss having a base for EC. A set spot to get my captives to, maybe implement the MERC system in.

With the MERC system, you'd have money flow...now, with moneyflow, perhaps you can consider putting cost in getting EC soldiers.

Droppings bombs, just aswel.

Idea for that: maybe use the pre-war money for that?


For the building complex self - again, just an idea - how about a system that goes like the RTS - Real Time Settle mod?

This way you can put up your own place and system. RTS has very much proven to have a good setup of AI on travel between the separate parts you can place.

Or - even better - make it compatible with GTS - Global Travel System. Have a remote location hosting your Base. Blank or pre-set, why not have a choice in that?

Maybe use the Placeable Equipment system to let random attacks occur. Maybe let that work together with the difficulty your on.


As a closing note, if you need inspiration on a name for this...all mentioned mods are on the Nexus available, why not call it the "Wasteland Nexus" project?

Or something catchy, lol.



Anyway, like always, if you don't like the base idea, don't stop it from letting it inspire you into something greater.

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Your first one does sound like weapon mod kits. As for Special God Mode, I think it would be cool to become unconscious instead reloading the whole game so far no one has done a mod like this. What's even better if we have Far Cry buddy rescue system, that way it'll be even cooler. I can't try Enclave commander because I don't have all the DLC's yet. :wacko:
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If I understand you right, your "custom gun" idea sounds a lot like Weapon Mod Kits.


FINALLY a name! Did you know I dug through the weapons sections lots and lots of times? I sorted on endorsements, and always gave nearing the end. :P

I have a tendency to forget to add the nifty sentence "if this already exists, please give me a link?" :P

Anyway, I found it. Thx a bunch :)



Your first one does sound like weapon mod kits. As for Special God Mode, I think it would be cool to become unconscious instead reloading the whole game so far no one has done a mod like this. What's even better if we have Far Cry buddy rescue system, that way it'll be even cooler. I can't try Enclave commander because I don't have all the DLC's yet. :wacko:


Yeah, I already had the idea of a person making a mod having the required recources of the DLC, but not the fun-stuff, like the missions, just so things could become compatible.

Sadly, thats illegal for some reason. (actually read that in this section somewhere)


I wonder what it takes for the Player character to auto-activate the stand-up thing. I have nearly NO wit on scripting and such, but I know thats something that, if not possible, atleast is explainable why.


If the buddy system would be implemented, I'd suggest it for SCC.

Marvelous AI AND a best friend! (well gee, saving my life...good enough for me :P)

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I think you misunderstood the Buddy system, see this

Instead of dying and reloading back the game, your buddy shows up and saves you, then brings you to a safe location for you to heal up.


Edit - Sorry, didn't read your post carefully. Yes, it would be nice if it's compatible with SCC.

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Thing is, especially with the EC mod idea, would require alot of people to work together. Hence the title I suggested btw.

I know the auther isn't modding actively for F3 anyway...

And yes, I know I shouldn't hope too much for it, but just a bit of hope would make me happy enough lol.

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