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Is The Goverment Spying On Us ?


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29 members have voted

  1. 1. Do You Think They're Spying On Us ?

    • Absolutely
    • Quite Yes
    • Not Too Often
    • Only By Coincidence / Not Intentional
    • Rarely
    • They Simply Don't
  2. 2. Do You Think it's a Good Idea ?

    • Absolutely
    • Quite Yes
    • Quite
    • I Don't Think So, But I Must Agree
    • Only If The Situation Is So Critical
    • I Would Never Agree
    • I Wish I Could Stop the Whole Thing, That's a Horrible Idea.
    • I Don't Really Care
    • None of These Above Words
  3. 3. How Advanced The Technology They Have Been Using ? (Opinion)

    • More Than You Can Imagine
    • What We Seen on High Technology Sci-Fi
    • Usual Things We Seen on Hollywood, Games and Stuff
    • Very Advanced
    • Not That Advanced
    • Won't Impressed Me
    • Far Beyond Expectation

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The entire point of a government is so the guys working for it has more power than the guys dependant of it. As long as you need the governments help,they have a bright smile on their face.


is the govt watching us? they have the power to. When i was in the service,we'd get to see all these super detailed sat images of mission areas/perimeters.lot better than a map or drawn images and a "cheater " move that got the job done alot faster. With satellites everywhere no one is safe from privacy..do they use it on us? damn right they do..wasn't that long ago the prez got in trouble. Leaked intel got all over the media and they abused the hell out of it. they were tapping cell phone freqs that belonged to civilians.. they were suspects but still.. it's illegal...but again!! they are the government..they make the rules...they just aren't all that good at covering it up when they break them...

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Yes, yes they are. It would only make since considering the fact that they seem to figure out things about the people at light speed. For example the alien sightings. When people claim to view a UFO, days later Men in black appear and threaten the people into keeping their mouthes shut. It can't be fiction because many people who live in areas with no T.V. or access th the news what so ever have these experiences then talk about it. How come many of these people are dubbed liers if they are scattered throughout the world with no access to news?
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Technology has made it easier for leaders to watch the people, great examples of this is in China, Venezuela, and Iran.


I was so mad when the Patriot act was put into play. Sure, it catches terrorists but in the long run the government could easily use it to repress the people by means of catching secret rebellious plots to overthrow a tyrannical government.


On-Star is terrible. While it can cut the power of a car's engine to stop criminals, what if you were running from a corrupt cop or simply running from tyranny?


Nobody can truely deny the fact that the internet has Data-mining and some of it is probably the government collecting data on individuals to profile them. Even with Inprivate browsing or other technologies you still leave traces of your activity.



I know this sounds geeky, but Mirror's Edge is a good game that gives a good point to what future technology can do to people. Not everyone can run like Faith can however, so are we truely doomed because the government has more control over our lives than we might think? I always wonder if they can collect data of internet activity you did and then send it to a database where a company who is hiring you can then browse your personal life and decide if they want to hire you or not based off your interests on the internet? This would be what some call "Black ops".

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The gov and the poeple.

Basicly it is how responsible and awake are we.

If a gov goes on about torturing poeple then something aint right. Also if poepel sit 24/7 passive infron the tv which is owned by just a few then something aint right and big brother term applies which means: you giving responsibility away and that can never be a good thing xept you like being a slave . Nature requires everyone to be reponsible: gov and poeple. one nation.


get to feel it and things will come naturally into balance as of law. otherwise things will be fishy and against nature you always loose 100% of the time. dont fight it and you be one happy nation. simple enough one might think.


stil some havent quite learned that basics yet.


i am making no distinction of gov and poeple here.


if there is distinction come down and listen to what nature herself has to say. there is no ally that is more powerfull then her.


nature is not dead.


if nature is dead for you then you can tell you are very dead despite technological advance and have been faked into beliving stuff in your mind.


so thats deffo what we have.


is a learning experience. :laugh:



like in fight club he say it is always a spiritual thing.


either you alive or you are not alive.


thus dont be afraid to feel. dont be afraid to be vulnerable. dont be afraid to love. dont be afraid to share.


in short: dont be afraid of out goin energy.

what you give will come back 10x on your

spiritual bank account.


energy dont die. it only changes.



that wisdom the old greeks had. on height of their civilisation some realised some day this all will go.


actually it is 80 years for most here. whats priority.

build life on what? or simply be.


i find it fascinating.


alot of it has to do with feeling wherein no one is special.

if anything is safe secure amd grounded then thats that spirit.


otherwise gonna have hard time maintaining a nation and eventual you gonna loose it in trying to tighten the security more and more with scanners and what not.


is ok. we all learning here. :wink:



some maybe never. :tongue:




for examples pls refer to your local tv set and watch any parlamental discussion. yes it is actually paprlament and not a sandbox where in with mud is thrown. quite the optical illusion. i know. :sweat:

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Well I don't think government is spying intentionally at least in Finland. They simply don't as there is no profit doing so as our government is quite useless in overall. We are not as paranoid as U.S.A. because we can follow almost every meeting of the government so we know what they talk about. We don't have any secret police and we almost complete freedom of speech. Things are usually censored or illegal only after somebody takes them to the court or they are by human morals just wrong. Finland is good country to live in. It has high taxes but it's good country no less.
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One thing I don't look forward to is the future. Not the next minute, hour, day, or week. I am talking the next few decades. Technology has become so advanced it makes it easier for governments to track, profile, and stop individuals for what ever reason. While the government usually follows the law, the technology can be used against the law when the government goes Blackops.


Data mining is generally used by advertising companies to give you advertisments of interest, but the government has the oppertunity to keep information on what they are using secret. So could the government have data-mining capabilities that watch people and collect personal information? Yes. I think there should be a amendment that gets passed that prevents the use of Data-mining both government and private, and also bans the use of repressive technologies from being implemented into government that can stop people easier.

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