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Mod Graphics Card


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I have oblivion... TOTALLY modded, my oblivion folder is 14.5 gigs and I use to play with a 4870 that was overclocked. After some months, the 4870 died and I using a 4830. I decided to run oblivion again and noticed alot of lag and crashing. Is this due to the weaker graphics card or possibly just some bad mods? My Processor is a Q9550 @4GHz with 4 gigs of RAM. What graphics card would you reccomend?
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Hum...well the 4830s aren't too bad...:) Your game is pretty big though...after so many mods it starts going downhill. Fresh re-install is always nice. Possibly could be load order too.


I'd keep that, it's not too bad for what it is, it's wee slower than my 5770...but if you do want a new card, I'd go for a 5770, so godly and very affordable :)

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