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The people who are going to be the happiest over this are the oil companies making profits of skyrocketing oil prices , the weapons manufacturers having to replace all the weaponry ISIS is looting and whats gonna be needed to drive them back and the bankers who are gonna lend the money for it all . The unhappy will be taxpayers picking up the tab for all of it.


Besides that we could be witnessing the beginnings of the proxy war in Syria , spilling over and becoming a regional war with the possibility of pulling in all its neighbours . (which certain ones want as long as the Americans are fighting it for them).


I think Elmer Fudd would be an improvement in our government at this point...... :D


Or maybe just letting The Empire fall , that's the real problem America is held hostage by interests that don't serve the American people both domestic and foreign.

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Or maybe just letting The Empire fall , that's the real problem America is held hostage by interests that don't serve the American people both domestic and foreign.


I think this is a problem right across the west, our governments aren't serving the people or national interest any more, they're serving those who line their pockets.

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