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Poison that you don't have to keep re-applying?


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Since abandoning the clunky slow melee combat for pure magic/stealth/archery gameplay, I've decided to use poisons, only to find I have to re-apply the poison to each arrow. So that means fire, pause the game, re-apply poison, fire, pause the game, re-apply poison, fire, pause the game, re-apply poison and so on. Wouldn't u just apply the poison to ALL your arrows, before you start? Is there a mod that applies the poison to all your arrows first, so then you don't have to keep re-applying it?


It's also especially annoying for me because I record game footage for my series A.S.G.A.R.D, and I want to record battles without pausing the action, so now I basically can't use poison except for my first arrow.



Edited by Aefion
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As a slight modification to this, a poison that would remain for a few hits (at least 5 maybe up to 10 max) that way it would work for both arrows (poison on the bow for game purposes) and melee (on the weapon obv). After all, one slash with a blade wouldn't remove all traces of the poison from the weapon, even if the wound was fairly gushing blood (its not like you're holding the blade to the bleeding wound, its cut and go)

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theres a mod out there that puts in a hot key for poison. I think you just have to favorite which poison you want too use and it will be slaved to the key and can be used by simply pressing said key. I don't use it though because I kill to fast with my bow to need poison.

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