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What are your favorite in-game quotes?


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My favorite line is not from any of the players it's from a NPC. The leader of the leagen of the Dead. "Your nightmare is my everyday."


Zev is one of my favorite player characters though. his endless flirting is so funny. the best conversation with him is later on if he finely tells you about his last mission and says that if you can believe it he used to be a terrible flirt and braggart or something like that. lol

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This one might have been posted already, I can't remember.

But its Zev in the alienage, talking about the big tree there in the center.

Zev: Elves plant these trees to remember who they once were. And then they pee on it. Charming symbolism, really.


That Guard in Denerim that gives you the quest to get rid of the rowdies in the Pearl-

"And people just willingly attack you? Are they that stupid?"

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There is another one about Zev that is funny. If you have a relationship with him and you talk to Wynn in the camp you know she always has to say something about you being in a relationship. Well, when you click "Oh, you know about me and Zevran?" She says something like. "Not many of us can sleep with all the noise you two make all hours of the night." lol and then you can say "Oh, I'm sorry, we'll try to keep it down." and then as always she complains about you having a relationship.
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Oghren: heh,heh,heh...Asschabs...(Best line ever)


Warden: Oghren, you're wearing your pants

Oghren: But he doesn't know that!


Warden: Your wildest dreams are about to come true...Sex with morrigan!

Alistair: All right, that's pretty funny, nice way to cut the tension, so what's up?

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Oh Oh, speaking of the alienage, there is one between the PC and Morrigan.


Morrigan: You were engaged once? This sounds interesting.


Warden: It was Horrible, there were rapists, and they gave us the wrong kind of cake!



Also, how many are playing Awakening? I like the many lines between Oghren and Avers.

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The City Elf IMHO is the best origin story out of the six, mostly because it is the grittiest.



editL I just realized I left as line out of the dialog I posted


Morrigan: You were engaged once? This sounds interesting.


Warden: It was Horrible, there were rapists, and they gave us the wrong kind of cake


Morrigan: They gave you the wrong cake? that sounds horrible!

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