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RTS mod


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I was wondering if any body was familiar with the Real Time settler mod from FO3.


I enjoy this mod and i wondered if there was a version for oblivion or if anyone would make one.

i think oblivion would be a better platform as it has less ''fatal'' erors


yours sicerely c146

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I wanted to reply to this thread really badly. But I have really nothing important to contribute...


RTS is my favorite mod of all the FO3 mods, and although I see that someone is recreating it in Oblivion, I also must point out that not even the folks at RTS were truly able to make a script that allowed the placement of buildings that you could enter (As in enter the building as a separate cell.)


Man, I would die to see this mod come to Oblivion so badly, but sadly not even RTS was able to make it happen. All RTS allows you to do (Which is no small feat) is place static objects in any location you desire. This gave the illusion of making houses, but they never were houses in game terms. The best you could hope for is the ability to place large walls and platforms, and also place houses that are not linked to another cell, but have interiors that are a part of the main world space. This would be cool in itself, but it would never fly because things like trespassing are thrown out the window. The FPS would be mighty high, even unbearable in larger settlements/ establishments.


I know this because I once made a city in RTS that spanned about 100m around and 2000m upwards. A tower-city made of makeshift FO3 crap if you will! I realized that everytime I entered the city, my fps would drop from 45-50 to 10-15. The same will happen in this mod, and it will sorely *censored* the players with lower-end machines.


Such complex scripts blow my mind sometimes....

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There is a Way around that; someone who knows Blender well enough (well, i'm out...) will have to modify some of the House meshes. Normally, those Meshes have no Doors. The Door Activator is slapped onto the House later and is sitting in front of a Wall.


If one where to "cut" a hole shaped like a Door into the Mesh in the logical Place the fitting "inside" mesh could be merged onto that House-mesh. Then you'll have a House where you could walk right through the hole where the Door is supposed to be into the House itself, which was in its own cell before.

You could of course add a door that swings open to that. And maybe even Glass Windows which are transparent ;D


This however would be a huge strain for any Computer with less then 2 Gigs of Ram. If you have anything slower then a hypothetical supercomputer from Space even a small town with "open houses" will slow down your game considerably. If someone made all the houses in Skingrad open, the game may not even load the skingrad cell on slower computers.

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