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Virus problems here?


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Happens every so often when browsing the file section for Fallout 3. My Norton shield blocks it though, flags it as a critical attack and closes the browser. I think it's linked to some of the ads since the block happens as soon as they load and strange URLs show up in the history afterwards, linking to some kind of PDF file.


I'm not a technical expert or anything so this could be nothing, but I thought I'd bring it to your attention.

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It happens from time to time; they're simply infected ads. If you manage to take a screenshot of them, the staff will know which ads to remove so they can do something about them.


Also, if you're using Firefox, try Adblock Plus. It's free and blocks all ads, so you won't be attacked anymore.

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And if you were a Premium Member (paid) you wouldn't have any adverts at all. Non-paid advert for Nexus.....heh...
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You should probably be aware of 2 things.


First, Norton is famous for having false positives, or just missing horrible things outright. It's why whenever something really bad goes around they end up releasing a removal tool instead of just preventing it initially. Norton also does next to nothing against malware.


Second, on the subject of malware, some ads you may be seeing might not come from this site, and could infact be evidence of having a problem on your side.



If you feel that you are seeing a bad ad, please take a screenshot of it, or a screenshot of Norton's block dialogue so that it can be looked into.

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Come on don´t be paranoid now.

I use Kaspersky, have not have any troubles for 5 years,

I can not find any virus on the site.


And listen to Vagrant0. What he says about Sym is true.

I use Symantic 3 months trial somtimes on PC´s I build.

One time it deleted a hole section of jokes on my

USB stick, without warning. I was only going for my WinKey finder,

that too was clasified dangerous. I think the only issue is that

Symantic S(::)CKS

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Symantic S(::)CKS

Symantic does suck big hairy **NOT GOING THERE**

My school used to have it, but 5 mins after logging on, a yellow box came up saying "Symantic GHOST Antivirus has turned off"

The second that came up, everybody went on an internet Free for All. Punishment for the mistake I think...

I use Kaspersky

The second I read that, I saw Jackie Chan saying the same thing, from the TV ad...

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